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Created April 13, 2020 22:10
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# @Author Cyril Aknine <[email protected]>
# Sophos XG Let's Encrypt certificate update script
# It uses huge workaround due to Sophos XG limitations :
# - can't update a certificate when it's used by WAF
# - can't update FirewallRule trough API to use another certificate
# - can't SCP a file trough SSH
# So ok it's ugly, but it's not the only one...
sleep 2
echo "5"
sleep 2
echo "3"
echo "printf \"%s\" \"$CERT_PEM\" > \"/conf/certificate/$SOPHOS_CERT_NAME.pem\""
echo "printf \"%s\" \"$CERT_KEY\" > \"/conf/certificate/private/$SOPHOS_CERT_NAME.key\""
echo "service WAF:restart -ds nosync"
echo "service apache:restart -ds nosync"
echo "exit"
sleep 2
echo "0"
sleep 2
echo "0"
) | ssh -tt admin@$SOPHOS_IP
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