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Last active November 24, 2016 09:53
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Pipeline abstraction class for handling quantopian pipeline data
class SidInList(CustomFilter):
inputs = []
window_length = 1
params = ('sid_list',)
def compute(self, today, assets, out, sid_list):
assert len(sid_list) > 0
out[:] = np.in1d(assets, sid_list)
class PipelineData():
A class which provides additional functions for the pipeline data
def __init__(self, df):
self.df = df;
def dropna(self, how='all'):
self.df = self.df.dropna(how=how)
return self
def first_date(self):
:return: the first date of the pipeline data
return min(self.df.index.get_level_values(0))
def last_date(self):
:return: the last date of the pipeline data
return max(self.df.index.get_level_values(0))
def get_universe(self, df=None):
:return: the universe provided by the stocks
if df is None:
df = self.df
return set(self.df.index.get_level_values(1))
def get_all_rows_of_stock(self, symbol):
:return: all rows related to a particular symbol
return self.df.xs(symbol, level=1)
def iterdate(self):
Iterate through the date available
return set(self.df.index.get_level_values(0))
def get_data_from_date(self, date):
return self.df.xs(date, level=0)
def get_universe_from_date(self, date):
return self.df.xs(date, level=0).index
def merge_df(self, date, df):
Given a df with simlar index, merge!
#assert len(self.df.ix[date, df.columns]) == len(df)
shared_index = set(df.index) & set(self.df.index)
#assert len(shared_index) > 0, "WARNING: no shared index found!"
if len(shared_index) == 0:
print "WARNING: no shared index found!"
self.df.ix[shared_index, df.columns] = df
def get_sorted_column(self, colname):
:return: a list of stocks based on sorted by a column of data
raise NotImplemented()
def get_pricing_delta(self, day_after):
Add a column price_after_x, delta_after_x to the dataframe
def pricing_func(start_date,
end_date = start_date + timedelta(days=days)
returns = get_pricing(
# ensure that we dont fall on holiday
end_date=end_date + timedelta(days=7)
# if there's holiday, remove those
# use 'all' since there might be some empty labels
returns = returns.dropna(how='all')
assert len(returns) > 0
returns = returns.ix[0:1, :]
returns.index = [start_date]
multi_index = returns.stack()
return_df = pd.DataFrame(multi_index, columns=[col_name])
global DEBUG_DF
DEBUG_DF = returns
return return_df
price_col_name = 'price_{}'.format(day_after)
delta_col_name = 'delta_{}'.format(day_after)
self.enrich(pricing_func, days=0, col_name='price_start')
self.enrich(pricing_func, days=day_after, col_name=price_col_name)
self.df[delta_col_name] = self.df[price_col_name]/self.df.price_start - 1
return self
def enrich(self, pipeline_func, **kwargs):
Given a dataframe of specific row, try to enrich that dataframe
:param: pipeline_func(date, screen=None, stock=None) - get the pipeline data given the xyz
columns_set = []
for date in self.iterdate():
sid_list = tuple([s.sid for s in self.get_universe_from_date(date)])
assert len(sid_list) > 0
print "Enriching {}, {} with {} items: {}".format(
date,, len(self.get_data_from_date(date)), sid_list
stocks_on_date = self.get_data_from_date(date).index
# remember to localize to UTC!!
new_data = pipeline_func(date,
DEBUG_DF_PARAM = new_data
# Add new columns
if len(columns_set) == 0:
assert len(new_data.columns) > 0
columns_set = new_data.columns
for c in new_data.columns:
self.df[c] = np.NaN
#self.df.ix[date, columns_set] = new_data
self.merge_df(date, new_data)
return self
# def test_pipeline_data():
# output = get_ceo_change_dates(
# pd.Timestamp('2013-01-01', tz=utc),
# pd.Timestamp('2013-03-01', tz=utc)
# )
# test_df = output.get_pricing_delta(30)
# assert len(test_df.df.dropna().price_30) > 0
# return test_df
# test_pipeline_data().df
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