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Created August 29, 2021 19:15
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Stopping Junk Mail

swanderz's War on Junk Mail

1: Blanket Unsubscribes

Make sure everyone in your household has signed up for these two things. They'll prolly take a few months to kick in.

DMA Choice Pay $2 for 10 years of opt-outs

Opt-Out Pre-Screen Stop “pre-approved” offers

2: Use the PaperKarma app

Anytime that you get a piece of junk mail, use PaperKarma and it will send an unsubscribe to the offending company on your behalf. Just take a picture of the company logo and tell them the address of yours they used. I bought a lifetime subscription to send unsubscribes each time you get junk mail. So worth it!

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