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Last active May 23, 2019 03:14
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Converting a model into latex equation
equation_lm <- function(model) {
rhs <- colnames(model.matrix(model))[-1]
lhs <- all.vars(formula(model))[1]
lhs_eq <- paste(lhs, "= ")
betas <- paste0("\\beta_{", seq_along(rhs), "}(")
rhs_eq <- paste0(betas, rhs, ")")
rhs_eq <- paste("\\alpha +", paste(rhs_eq, collapse = " + "))
error <- "+ \\epsilon"
paste0(lhs_eq, rhs_eq),
# fit a couple simple models
mod1 <- lm(mpg ~ cyl + disp, mtcars)
mod2 <- lm(mpg ~ ., mtcars)
# test it out
## $$
## mpg = \alpha + \beta_{1}(cyl) + \beta_{2}(disp) + \epsilon
## $$
## $$
## mpg = \alpha + \beta_{1}(cyl) + \beta_{2}(disp) + \beta_{3}(hp) + \beta_{4}(drat) + \beta_{5}(wt) + \beta_{6}(qsec) + \beta_{7}(vs) + \beta_{8}(am) + \beta_{9}(gear) + \beta_{10}(carb) + \epsilon
## $$
# Test with a categorical predictor
mod3 <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ Sepal.Width + Species, iris)
## $$
## Sepal.Length = \alpha + \beta_{1}(Sepal.Width) + \beta_{2}(Speciesversicolor) + \beta_{3}(Speciesvirginica) + \epsilon
## $$
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