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Derek datavistics

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datavistics / cVimrc
Last active October 16, 2017 21:03
This will sync with the cVim Extension
" Thiers chrome-extension://ihlenndgcmojhcghmfjfneahoeklbjjh/pages/mappings.html
" Mine:
set nosmoothscroll
set noautofocus " The opposite of autofocus; this setting stops
" sites from focusing on an input box when they load
set typelinkhints
let hintcharacters = "fjdkslaghruvn"
datavistics / article.html
Created September 9, 2017 22:14
Additions of ran404's code to make jupyter notebooks work.
{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block meta %}
<meta name="author" content="{{ }}" />
<meta name="description" content="{{ article.summary|striptags|escape }}" />
<meta name="keywords" content="{{ article.tags|join(', ')|escape }}">
{% include "partial/og_article.html" %}
{% endblock %}
datavistics / Plotnine bar and line plot.ipynb
Created September 8, 2017 13:27
An attempt to use plotnine to create a barplot with a line.
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.