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Last active February 15, 2021 13:29
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Node.js Generator Async/Await Concurrency Limit


Shows the use of generators to control concurrency. This example illustrates the following.

  • 3 workers running through the data
  • Each piece of "work" takes 200-2000 milliseconds to run
  • The 5th, 10th and 17th item will throw an exception
  • Workers will exit because the exception is unhandled
worker='1' itemnum='0' item='F'
worker='2' itemnum='1' item='a'
worker='1' itemnum='3' item='s'
worker='3' itemnum='2' item='l'
worker='2' itemnum='4' item='c'
worker='3' itemnum='6' item='e'
worker='3' itemnum='8' item=' '
worker='2' itemnum='7' item='s'
worker='3' itemnum='9' item='Ü'
worker='3' itemnum='11' item='e'
worker='3' itemnum='12' item='n'
worker='3' itemnum='13' item=' '
worker='3' itemnum='14' item='v'
worker='3' itemnum='15' item='o'
worker='3' itemnum='16' item='n'


Simpler example than above, with added exception handling.

  • 3 workers running through the data
  • Each piece of "work" takes 200 milliseconds to run
  • The 5th, 10th and 17th item will throw an exception
  • The script will finish all 57 items
itemnum='0' item='F'
itemnum='16' item='n'
Error: Error at 17:
    at /home/phadviger/code/demo/gist.generator-concurrency/simple-example.js:12:17
itemnum='19' item='y'
itemnum='57' item='g'


Contains a reusable method called mapC which actually performs a map, instead of just using the map method to loop.

const sleep = t => new Promise(rs => setTimeout(rs, t))
function getRandomIntInclusive(min, max) {
min = Math.ceil(min);
max = Math.floor(max);
//The maximum is inclusive and the minimum is inclusive
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min);
function* getWorkers(index = 1, limit = NUMBER_OF_WORKERS) {
while (index <= 10) {
yield index++;
async function doWork(numWorkers = 1, assignments, plan) {
const workload = Array.from(assignments).entries();
const workers = getWorkers();
const work = Array(numWorkers).fill(workload).map(async tasks => {
* NOTE: Exceptions from this scope down, don't trickle up and
* need to be explicitly caught. If an exception occurs inside
* of a worker, the worker will stop.
const id =;
for (let [index, task] of tasks) {
await plan(task, id, index);
return await Promise.allSettled(work);
(async () => {
const data = 'Falsches Üben von Xylophonmusik quält jeden größeren Zwerg';
await doWork(NUMBER_OF_WORKERS, data, async (task, id, index) => {
// wait 200 - 2000 milliseconds
await sleep(getRandomIntInclusive(1, 10) * 200)
if ([5, 10, 17].includes(index)) {
throw new Error('test');
console.log(`worker='${id}' itemnum='${index}' item='${task}'`)
const mapC = async (data, callback, concurrency = 1) => {
const _data = Array.from(data);
const result = new Array(_data.length);
await Promise.allSettled(
new Array(concurrency).fill(_data.entries())
.map(async iterator => {
for (let [index, item] of iterator) {
result[index] = await callback(item, index);
return result;
;(async () => {
const sleep = t => new Promise(rs => setTimeout(rs, t));
const data = 'Falsches Üben von Xylophonmusik quält jeden größeren Zwerg';
const results = await mapC(data, async (item, index) => {
try {
await sleep(200);
if ([5, 10, 17].includes(index)) {
throw new Error(`Error at ${index}: ${item}`);
console.log(`itemnum='${index}' item='${item}'`);
return item && '-';
} catch (error) {
return item;
}, 20);
(async () => {
const sleep = t => new Promise(rs => setTimeout(rs, t));
const data = 'Falsches Üben von Xylophonmusik quält jeden größeren Zwerg';
const workers = new Array(NUMBER_OF_WORKERS).fill(Array.from(data).entries())
.map(async iterator => {
for (let [index, item] of iterator) {
try {
await sleep(200);
if ([5, 10, 17].includes(index)) {
throw new Error(`Error at ${index}: ${item}`);
console.log(`itemnum='${index}' item='${item}'`);
} catch (error) {
await Promise.allSettled(workers);
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Using Promise.all instead of Promise.allSettled yields much easier fail fast exception handling, but it just depends on how you want to handle failures.

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