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Lua binding creator in zig
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
const std = @import("std"); | |
const assert = std.debug.assert; | |
const lua_ABI = @cImport({ | |
@cInclude("lua.h"); | |
@cInclude("lauxlib.h"); | |
@cInclude("lualib.h"); | |
}); | |
pub const lua = struct { | |
pub usingnamespace lua_ABI; | |
// implement macros | |
pub fn lua_pop(L: ?*lua.lua_State, n: c_int) void { | |
lua_settop(L, -(n) - 1); | |
} | |
pub fn lua_replace(L: ?*lua.lua_State, idx: c_int) void { | |
lua_copy(L, -1, idx); | |
lua_pop(L, 1); | |
} | |
pub fn lua_call(L: ?*lua.lua_State, n: c_int, r: c_int) void { | |
lua_callk(L, n, r, 0, null); | |
} | |
}; | |
const lua_int_type = @typeInfo(lua.lua_Integer).Int; | |
const lua_float_type = @typeInfo(lua.lua_Number).Float; | |
pub fn push(L: ?*lua.lua_State, value: var) void { | |
switch (@typeId(@typeOf(value))) { | |
.Void => lua.lua_pushnil(L), | |
.Bool => lua.lua_pushboolean(L, if (value) u1(1) else u1(0)), | |
.Int => { | |
const int_type = @typeInfo(@typeOf(value)).Int; | |
assert(lua_int_type.is_signed); | |
if (int_type.bits > lua_int_type.bits or (!int_type.is_signed and int_type.bits >= lua_int_type.bits)) { | |
@compileError("unable to coerce from type: " ++ @typeName(@typeOf(value))); | |
} | |
lua.lua_pushinteger(L, value); | |
}, | |
.Float => { | |
const float_type = @typeInfo(@typeOf(value)).Float; | |
if (float_type.bits > lua_float_type.bits) { | |
@compileError("unable to coerce from type: " ++ @typeName(@typeOf(value))); | |
} | |
lua.lua_pushnumber(L, value); | |
}, | |
.Fn => { | |
// TODO: check if already the correct signature? | |
lua.lua_pushcclosure(L, wrap(value), 0); | |
}, | |
.Pointer => |PT| { | |
if (PT.size == .Slice and PT.child == u8) { | |
_ = lua.lua_pushlstring(L, value.ptr, value.len); | |
} else { | |
@compileError("unable to coerce from type: " ++ @typeName(@typeOf(value))); | |
} | |
}, | |
else => @compileError("unable to coerce from type: " ++ @typeName(@typeOf(value))), | |
} | |
} | |
pub fn pushlib(L: ?*lua.lua_State, comptime value: type) void { | |
const Composite = switch(@typeInfo(value)) { | |
.Struct => |t| t, | |
.Union => |t| t, | |
.Enum => |t| t, | |
else => @compileError("unable to push type " ++ @typeName(value)), | |
}; | |
{ | |
comptime var nrec = 0; | |
inline for (Composite.decls) |d| { | |
if (d.is_pub) { | |
nrec += 1; | |
} | |
} | |
lua.lua_createtable(L, 0, nrec); | |
} | |
inline for (Composite.decls) |d| { | |
if (d.is_pub) { | |
switch ( { | |
.Var, .Fn => { | |
_ = lua.lua_pushlstring(L,,; | |
lua.lua_pushcclosure(L, wrap(@field(value,, 0); | |
lua.lua_rawset(L, -3); | |
}, | |
else => @compileError("NYI: Type"), | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
pub fn check(L: ?*lua.lua_State, idx: c_int, comptime T: type) T { | |
switch (@typeInfo(T)) { | |
.Void => { | |
lua.luaL_checktype(L, idx, lua.LUA_TNIL); | |
return void; | |
}, | |
.Bool => { | |
lua.luaL_checktype(L, idx, lua.LUA_TBOOLEAN); | |
return lua.lua_toboolean(L, idx) != 0; | |
}, | |
.Int => return @intCast(T, lua.luaL_checkinteger(L, idx)), | |
.Float => return @floatCast(T, lua.luaL_checknumber(L, idx)), | |
.Array => |AT| { | |
switch(lua.lua_type(L, idx)) { | |
lua.LUA_TTABLE => { | |
var A: T = undefined; | |
for (A) |*p, i| { | |
_ = lua.lua_geti(L, idx, @intCast(lua.lua_Integer, i + 1)); | |
p.* = check(L, -1, AT.child); | |
lua.lua_pop(L, 1); | |
} | |
return A; | |
}, | |
else => { | |
_ = lua.luaL_argerror(L, idx, c"expected table"); | |
unreachable; | |
}, | |
} | |
}, | |
.Pointer => |PT| { | |
if (T == *c_void) { | |
return lua.lua_topointer(L, idx); | |
} | |
const t = lua.lua_type(L, idx); | |
if (T == []const u8) { | |
if (t == lua.LUA_TSTRING) { | |
var len: usize = undefined; | |
const ptr = lua.lua_tolstring(L, idx, &len); | |
return ptr[0..len]; | |
} else if (t != lua.LUA_TUSERDATA) { | |
_ = lua.luaL_argerror(L, idx, c"expected string or userdata"); | |
unreachable; | |
} | |
} else { | |
if (t != lua.LUA_TUSERDATA) { | |
_ = lua.luaL_argerror(L, idx, c"expected userdata"); | |
unreachable; | |
} | |
} | |
if (lua.lua_getmetatable(L, idx) == 0) { | |
_ = lua.luaL_argerror(L, idx, c"unexpected userdata metatable"); | |
unreachable; | |
} | |
// TODO: check if metatable is valid for Pointer type | |
@panic("unable to coerce to type: " ++ @typeName(T)); | |
// lua.lua_pop(L, 1); | |
// const ptr = lua.lua_touserdata(L, idx); | |
}, | |
else => @compileError("unable to coerce to type: " ++ @typeName(T)), | |
} | |
} | |
/// Wraps an arbitrary function in a Lua C-API using version | |
pub fn wrap(comptime func: var) lua.lua_CFunction { | |
const Fn = @typeInfo(@typeOf(func)).Fn; | |
// See | |
return struct { | |
// See | |
fn call(L: ?*lua.lua_State) (if (Fn.return_type) |rt| rt else noreturn) { | |
if (Fn.args.len == 0) return @inlineCall(func); | |
const a1 = check(L, 1, Fn.args[0].arg_type.?); | |
if (Fn.args.len == 1) return @inlineCall(func, a1); | |
const a2 = check(L, 2, Fn.args[1].arg_type.?); | |
if (Fn.args.len == 2) return @inlineCall(func, a1, a2); | |
const a3 = check(L, 3, Fn.args[2].arg_type.?); | |
if (Fn.args.len == 3) return @inlineCall(func, a1, a2, a3); | |
const a4 = check(L, 4, Fn.args[3].arg_type.?); | |
if (Fn.args.len == 4) return @inlineCall(func, a1, a2, a3, a4); | |
const a5 = check(L, 5, Fn.args[4].arg_type.?); | |
if (Fn.args.len == 5) return @inlineCall(func, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5); | |
const a6 = check(L, 6, Fn.args[5].arg_type.?); | |
if (Fn.args.len == 6) return @inlineCall(func, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6); | |
const a7 = check(L, 7, Fn.args[6].arg_type.?); | |
if (Fn.args.len == 7) return @inlineCall(func, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7); | |
const a8 = check(L, 8, Fn.args[7].arg_type.?); | |
if (Fn.args.len == 8) return @inlineCall(func, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8); | |
const a9 = check(L, 9, Fn.args[8].arg_type.?); | |
if (Fn.args.len == 9) return @inlineCall(func, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9); | |
@compileError("NYI: >9 argument functions"); | |
} | |
extern fn thunk(L: ?*lua.lua_State) c_int { | |
if (Fn.return_type) |return_type| { | |
const result: return_type = @inlineCall(call, L); | |
if (return_type == void) { | |
return 0; | |
} else { | |
push(L, result); | |
return 1; | |
} | |
} else { | |
// is noreturn | |
@inlineCall(call, L); | |
} | |
} | |
}.thunk; | |
} | |
test "autolua" { | |
_ = @import("./autolua_test.zig"); | |
} |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
const std = @import("std"); | |
const assert = std.debug.assert; | |
const testing = std.testing; | |
const autolua = @import("./autolua.zig"); | |
const lua = autolua.lua; | |
test "returning an array" { | |
const L = lua.luaL_newstate(); | |
lua.luaL_openlibs(L); | |
testing.expectEqual(c_int(lua.LUA_OK), lua.luaL_loadstring(L, | |
c\\return {1,2,3} | |
)); | |
testing.expectEqual(c_int(lua.LUA_OK), lua.lua_pcallk(L, 0, 1, 0, 0, null)); | |
testing.expectEqual([_]u32{ 1, 2, 3 }, autolua.check(L, 1, [3]u32)); | |
} | |
test "returning a string" { | |
const L = lua.luaL_newstate(); | |
lua.luaL_openlibs(L); | |
testing.expectEqual(c_int(lua.LUA_OK), lua.luaL_loadstring(L, | |
c\\return "hello world" | |
)); | |
testing.expectEqual(c_int(lua.LUA_OK), lua.lua_pcallk(L, 0, 1, 0, 0, null)); | |
testing.expectEqualSlices(u8, "hello world"[0..], autolua.check(L, 1, []const u8)); | |
} | |
fn func_void() void {} | |
fn func_bool() bool { | |
return false; | |
} | |
fn func_i8() i8 { | |
return 42; | |
} | |
fn func_i64() i64 { | |
return 1 << 62; | |
} | |
fn func_u64() u64 { | |
return 1 << 63; | |
} | |
fn func_f16() f16 { | |
return 1 << 10; | |
} | |
fn func_f64() f64 { | |
return 1 << 64; | |
} | |
fn func_f128() f128 { | |
return 1 << 63; | |
} | |
fn func_addu32(x: u32, y: u32) u32 { | |
return x + y; | |
} | |
fn func_error() !void { | |
return error.SomeError; | |
} | |
fn func_unreachable() void { | |
unreachable; | |
} | |
extern fn bar(L: ?*lua.lua_State) c_int { | |
return 0; | |
} | |
const lib = [_]lua.luaL_Reg{ | |
lua.luaL_Reg{ .name = c"func_void", .func = autolua.wrap(func_void) }, | |
lua.luaL_Reg{ .name = c"func_bool", .func = autolua.wrap(func_bool) }, | |
lua.luaL_Reg{ .name = c"func_i8", .func = autolua.wrap(func_i8) }, | |
lua.luaL_Reg{ .name = c"func_i64", .func = autolua.wrap(func_i64) }, | |
// lua.luaL_Reg{ .name = c"func_u64", .func = autolua.wrap(func_u64) }, | |
lua.luaL_Reg{ .name = c"func_f16", .func = autolua.wrap(func_f16) }, | |
lua.luaL_Reg{ .name = c"func_f64", .func = autolua.wrap(func_f64) }, | |
// lua.luaL_Reg{ .name = c"func_f128", .func = autolua.wrap(func_f128) }, | |
lua.luaL_Reg{ .name = c"func_addu32", .func = autolua.wrap(func_addu32) }, | |
// lua.luaL_Reg{ .name = c"func_error", .func = autolua.wrap(func_error) }, | |
lua.luaL_Reg{ .name = c"bar", .func = bar }, | |
lua.luaL_Reg{ .name = 0, .func = null }, | |
}; | |
export fn luaopen_mylib(L: ?*lua.lua_State) c_int { | |
lua.lua_createtable(L, 0, lib.len - 1); | |
lua.luaL_setfuncs(L, &lib[0], 0); | |
return 1; | |
} | |
test "wrapping void returning function works" { | |
const L = lua.luaL_newstate(); | |
lua.lua_pushcclosure(L, autolua.wrap(func_void), 0); | |
testing.expectEqual(c_int(lua.LUA_OK), lua.lua_pcallk(L, 0, lua.LUA_MULTRET, 0, 0, null)); | |
testing.expectEqual(c_int(0), lua.lua_gettop(L)); | |
} | |
test "wrapping boolean returning function works" { | |
const L = lua.luaL_newstate(); | |
lua.lua_pushcclosure(L, autolua.wrap(func_bool), 0); | |
testing.expectEqual(c_int(lua.LUA_OK), lua.lua_pcallk(L, 0, lua.LUA_MULTRET, 0, 0, null)); | |
testing.expectEqual(false, autolua.check(L, 1, bool)); | |
} | |
test "wrapping integer returning function works" { | |
const L = lua.luaL_newstate(); | |
lua.lua_pushcclosure(L, autolua.wrap(func_i8), 0); | |
testing.expectEqual(c_int(lua.LUA_OK), lua.lua_pcallk(L, 0, lua.LUA_MULTRET, 0, 0, null)); | |
testing.expectEqual(i8(42), autolua.check(L, 1, i8)); | |
} | |
test "wrapping float returning function works" { | |
const L = lua.luaL_newstate(); | |
lua.lua_pushcclosure(L, autolua.wrap(func_f16), 0); | |
testing.expectEqual(c_int(lua.LUA_OK), lua.lua_pcallk(L, 0, lua.LUA_MULTRET, 0, 0, null)); | |
testing.expectEqual(f16(1 << 10), autolua.check(L, 1, f16)); | |
} | |
test "wrapping function that takes arguments works" { | |
const L = lua.luaL_newstate(); | |
lua.lua_pushcclosure(L, autolua.wrap(func_addu32), 0); | |
lua.lua_pushinteger(L, 5); | |
lua.lua_pushinteger(L, 1000); | |
testing.expectEqual(c_int(lua.LUA_OK), lua.lua_pcallk(L, 2, lua.LUA_MULTRET, 0, 0, null)); | |
testing.expectEqual(u32(5 + 1000), autolua.check(L, 1, u32)); | |
} | |
// test "wrapping function that throws error" { | |
// const L = lua.luaL_newstate(); | |
// lua.lua_pushcclosure(L, autolua.wrap(func_error), 0); | |
// testing.expectEqual(c_int(lua.LUA_ERRRUN), lua.lua_pcallk(L, 0, lua.LUA_MULTRET, 0, 0, null)); | |
// testing.expect(error.SomeError == autolua.check(L, 1, anyerror)); | |
// } | |
// test "wrapping unreachable function" { | |
// const L = lua.luaL_newstate(); | |
// lua.lua_pushcclosure(L, autolua.wrap(func_unreachable), 0); | |
// testing.expectEqual(c_int(lua.LUA_OK), lua.lua_pcallk(L, 0, lua.LUA_MULTRET, 0, 0, null)); | |
// } | |
test "library works" { | |
const L = lua.luaL_newstate(); | |
lua.luaL_openlibs(L); | |
lua.luaL_requiref(L, c"mylib", luaopen_mylib, 0); | |
lua.lua_settop(L, 0); | |
testing.expectEqual(c_int(lua.LUA_OK), lua.luaL_loadstring(L, | |
c\\local mylib = require "mylib" | |
c\\assert(mylib.func_void() == nil) | |
c\\assert(mylib.func_bool() == false) | |
c\\assert(mylib.func_i8() == 42) | |
c\\assert(mylib.func_f16() == 1<<10) | |
c\\assert(mylib.func_addu32(5432, 1234) == 6666) | |
)); | |
testing.expectEqual(c_int(lua.LUA_OK), lua.lua_pcallk(L, 0, 0, 0, 0, null)); | |
} | |
test "wrap struct works" { | |
const L = lua.luaL_newstate(); | |
lua.luaL_openlibs(L); | |
testing.expectEqual(c_int(lua.LUA_OK), lua.luaL_loadstring(L, | |
c\\local lib = ... | |
c\\assert(lib.get_void() == nil) | |
c\\assert(lib.get_bool() == false) | |
c\\assert(lib.get_i8() == 42) | |
c\\assert(lib.get_f16() == 1<<10) | |
c\\assert(lib.add_u32(5432, 1234) == 6666) | |
)); | |
autolua.pushlib(L, struct { | |
pub fn get_void() void { | |
return func_void(); | |
} | |
pub fn get_bool() bool { | |
return func_bool(); | |
} | |
pub fn get_i8() i8 { | |
return func_i8(); | |
} | |
pub fn get_i64() i64 { | |
return func_i64(); | |
} | |
pub fn get_f16() f16 { | |
return func_f16(); | |
} | |
pub fn get_f64() f64 { | |
return func_f64(); | |
} | |
pub fn add_u32(x: u32, y: u32) u32 { | |
return func_addu32(x, y); | |
} | |
}); | |
testing.expectEqual(c_int(lua.LUA_OK), lua.lua_pcallk(L, 1, 0, 0, 0, null)); | |
} |
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Zig issue to track arbitrary function calls: ziglang/zig#2930