- Create an ASP.NET web project with the Empty template
- Install the Nuget.Server package
- Publish the project to the IIS server
- Publish method: Web deploy
- Server: localhost (no port number)
- Site name: NugetServer (site name in IIS)
- Destination URL: http://localhost:8080 (site address)
- Configuration: Release
- Check “Exclude file from the App_Data folder”
- Create the .nuspec file for the project
nuget.exe spec
(run this command where the .csproj file is located)
Complete the data in the new file created
Build the project in Release mode and generate the nuget package with:
nuget.exe pack Project.csproj -Prop Configuration=Release
Copy the .nupkg file created into the Packages folder of the NugetServer
Configure the Nuget repository in VS
Tools -> Nuget Package Manager -> Package Manager Settings -> Package Sources
Add a new one
- Name: Local Server
- Source: http://localhost:8080/nuget
- Click on Update. OK
- Create a folder Tools in your solution and copy the nuget.exe file into it
- Create a Post-Build event in the project to create the nuget package automatically and move it to the Packages folder of the Nuget server
$(SolutionDir)/Tools/nuget.exe pack "$(ProjectPath)" -Prop Configuration=Release
if exist "$(TargetDir)*.nupkg" (
move "$(TargetDir)*.nupkg" \\NuGetServer\Packages\
Be sure that the version of the library has been incremented after the build. I use Automatic Versions