Backstory: I decided to crowdsource static site generator recommendations, so the following are actual real world suggested-to-me results. I then took those and sorted them by language/server and, just for a decent relative metric, their Github Watcher count. If you want a heap of other projects (including other languages like Haskell and Python) Nanoc has the mother of all site generator lists. If you recommend another one, by all means add a comment.
- DocPad 419
- Wintersmith 112
- Blacksmith 98
- Second Crack 479
- Stacey 466
- Kirby 135
Easystatic - a simple static site generator
It uses Markdown It for web pages, EJS and Postcss for site layout, and Browsersync as a development server with "live editing" and testing your site on all connected devices. Also it can scaffold the basic site layout for you (based on Material Design Lite).