September 25, 2018 17:16
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# - title: | |
# subtitle: | |
# author: | |
# img: | |
# url: | |
# rating: | |
# notes: | |
- year: 2018 | |
books: | |
- title: Showa 1953-1989 | |
subtitle: A History of Japan | |
author: Shigeru Mizuki | |
img: | |
url: | |
rating: (In Progress) | |
notes: | |
- title: Going Offline | |
subtitle: | |
author: Jeremy Keith | |
img:[email protected]?v=1501539475 | |
url: | |
rating: Parti Pris | |
notes: While I know about PWAs and have built PWAs and have given talks on PWAs, I wanted to get Jeremy's perspective of building an offline Service Worker. He's such a good explainer of things and he filled the gaps on Offline Experiences and Service Worker capabilities that I had never put together. | |
# ... |
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
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--- | |
title: Bookshelf | |
layout: default | |
--- | |
<div class="bookshelf"> | |
{% for year in %} | |
<h1 class="year">{{ year.year }}</h1> | |
<div class="books"> | |
{% for book in year.books %} | |
<div class="book"> | |
<a href="{{ book.url }}" aria-label="Buy {{ book.title }}"> | |
<img src="{{ book.img }}" alt=""> | |
</a> | |
<h2>{{ book.title }}</h2> | |
{% if book.title %}<p>{{ book.subtitle }}</p>{% endif %} | |
<p>{{ }}</p> | |
{% if book.notes %} | |
<details> | |
<summary>{{ book.rating }}</summary> | |
<div class="notes">{{ book.notes | markdownify }}</div> | |
</details> | |
{% else %} | |
{% if book.rating %}<p>{{ book.rating }}</p>{% endif %} | |
{% endif %} | |
</div> | |
{% endfor %} | |
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{% endfor %} | |
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Copyright © 2017 Javan Makhmali | |
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