cmd + , - open settings
cmd + shift + p - command palette while in command palette:
- split right/left and move active item (to move current window into a side pane)
cmd + k, cmd + left/right arrow - switch between panes
cmd + n - new file
command + t - file finder
cmd + D - multiple selection
command + click - multi-line editor while in multi-line editor:
- command + left arrow - end of line
- command + right arrow - beginning of line
- option + left arrow - end of word
- option + right arrow - beginning of word
ctrl + space - toggle autocomplete
ctrl + k - cut to end of line
alt + delete - delete to beginning of word
alt + d - delete to end of word
ctrl + shift + k - delete line
cmd + shift + d - duplicate line
ctrl + g - go to line
cmd + j - join lines
alt + b - move to beginning of Word
alt + f - move to end of word
ctrl + a - move to beginning of line
ctrl + e - move to end of line
cmd + ctrl + up arrow - move current line up
cmd + ctrl + down arrow - move current line down
cmd + up arrow - move to top of file
cmd + down arrow - move to bottom of file
alt + shift + b - select to beginning of word
alt + shift + f - select to end of word
ctrl + shift + w - select entire word
ctrl + shift + a - select to the first character of Line
ctrl + shift + e - select to last character of line
cmd + L - select line
cmd + / - toggle line comments
Great cheat sheet: