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Last active August 14, 2024 13:25
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An example of how to create AWS IoT Things with more than three attributes

aws iot create-thing-type --thing-type-name $THING_TYPE_NAME

aws iot create-thing \
  --thing-name $THING_NAME \
  --thing-type-name $THING_TYPE_NAME \
  --attribute-payload "{\"attributes\": {\"attr1\":\"1\", \"attr2\":\"2\", \"attr3\":\"3\", \"attr4\":\"4\", \"attr5\":\"5\"}}"

# alternatively, update an existing thing
# aws iot update-thing \
#   --thing-name $THING_NAME \
#   --attribute-payload "{\"attributes\": {\"attr1\":\"1\", \"attr2\":\"2\", \"attr3\":\"3\", \"attr4\":\"4\", \"attr5\":\"5\"}}"

aws iot describe-thing --thing-name $THING_NAME

aws iot create-dynamic-thing-group --thing-group-name $DYNAMIC_GROUP_NAME --query-string "attributes.attr4=4"

aws iot describe-thing-group --thing-group-name $DYNAMIC_GROUP_NAME
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just so you know, 4 years later and this information is still useful. Thank you for sharing

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just so you know, 4 years later and this information is still useful. Thank you for sharing

I'm glad to hear that it is still helpful! I hope your project is going well.

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