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Last active July 8, 2024 17:45
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Convert JSONFeed to RSS
//Convert JSONfeed to RSS in a single function as a drop-in to make adding JSONfeed
//support to an aggregator easier
function convert_jsonfeed_to_rss($content = NULL, $max = NULL)
//Test if the content is actual JSON
if( json_last_error() !== JSON_ERROR_NONE) return FALSE;
//Now, is it valid JSONFeed?
$jsonFeed = json_decode($content, TRUE);
if (!isset($jsonFeed['version'])) return FALSE;
if (!isset($jsonFeed['title'])) return FALSE;
if (!isset($jsonFeed['items'])) return FALSE;
//Decode the feed to a PHP array
$jf = json_decode($content, TRUE);
//Get the latest item publish date to use as the channel pubDate
$latestDate = 0;
foreach ($jf['items'] as $item) {
if (strtotime($item['date_published']) > $latestDate) $latestDate = strtotime($item['date_published']);
$lastBuildDate = date(DATE_RSS, $latestDate);
//Create the RSS feed
$xmlFeed = new SimpleXMLElement('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><rss version="2.0"></rss>');
//Required elements
$xmlFeed->channel->addChild("title", $jf['title']);
$xmlFeed->channel->addChild("pubDate", $lastBuildDate);
$xmlFeed->channel->addChild("lastBuildDate", $lastBuildDate);
//Optional elements
if (isset($jf['description'])) $xmlFeed->channel->description = $jf['description'];
if (isset($jf['home_page_url'])) $xmlFeed->channel->link = $jf['home_page_url'];
foreach ($jf['items'] as $item) {
$newItem = $xmlFeed->channel->addChild('item');
//Standard stuff
if (isset($item['id'])) $newItem->addChild('guid', $item['id']);
if (isset($item['title'])) $newItem->addChild('title', $item['title']);
if (isset($item['content_text'])) $newItem->addChild('description', $item['content_text']);
if (isset($item['content_html'])) $newItem->addChild('description', $item['content_html']);
if (isset($item['date_published'])) $newItem->addChild('pubDate', $item['date_published']);
if (isset($item['url'])) $newItem->addChild('link', $item['url']);
if(isset($item['attachments'])) {
foreach($item['attachments'] as $attachment) {
$enclosure = $newItem->addChild('enclosure');
$enclosure['url'] = $attachment['url'];
$enclosure['type'] = $attachment['mime_type'];
$enclosure['length'] = $attachment['size_in_bytes'];
//Make the output pretty
$dom = new DOMDocument("1.0");
$dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$dom->formatOutput = true;
return $dom->saveXML();
$content = @file_get_contents("");
echo convert_jsonfeed_to_rss($content)."\n";
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Hi, I came across your script today and was wondering if it could be used to convert this devotional json to rss feed. If yes, how would it be done? Here is the json link:

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How can this be used on blogger json file and also get the full rss content of some feeds that don't show fully? E.G:

Link not working

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Thanks for this! Just used it to gain access to a JSON feed in my FreshRSS installation.

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Oups... I'm having issues with the JSON from : produces null RSS. Any idea?

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gingerbeardman commented Jan 12, 2023

@aalcaine whilst that URL returns valid JSON data, it is not a valid JSON Feed (which is what this script expects to be given).

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that URL returns valid JSON data, it is not a valid JSON Feed

Thank you @gingerbeardman :-( Let's see if Mastodon fixes that...

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gingerbeardman commented Jan 12, 2023

@aalcaine doubtful. Their API is designed to produce JSON data, not JSON Feeds.

They provid per-user RSS already, but not for the public timeline. Anyway, I think a public timeline would be too busy to make sense as an RSS feed.

If you still want to do it, a solution for you is to write some code to convert/wrap the Mastodon JSON data into a feed, and then you will be able to use this script. Good luck.

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