If you plan on developing SAP web apps using Angular or React, or other open source kits and tools, then it is best to set up a Node.js development environment.
- If working behind proxy, ensure that environment variables are defined to correspond to proxy.
- Check the version of node you are running:
node -v
Check at Node. Make sure you have at minimum the LTS version, currently 8.10.0.
Otherwise, or if no node version found, install node via instructions at:
- Install grunt. Grunt is a javascript task runtime used for development of web applications.
npm install grunt-cli -g
- Navigate to your sites or repo directory (place you store your projects). Then clone the UI5 project.
git clone https://github.com/SAP/openui5.git
- Install the npm dependencies:
cd openui5
npm install
- Start the server:
grunt serve
- Using a browser navigate to the testing suite: http://localhost:8080/testsuite/
** Note if using Chrome, you will need to follow the procedures to install Selenium and Chrome Driver with proper mapping of PATH$. See for MacOS instructions to install Chrome Driver and Selenium Stand Alone Server