Chase credit cards offer partner rebates, but you have to go in an manually click them. Use this script when you're on the offer page to click all of them, and then if you happen to purchase the item in the partner reward, you'll be alerted of a rebate via email!
Here's a guide on bookmarklets if you're not familiar with how they work.
Here's the code.
javascript:(function(){ var offers = document.querySelectorAll('div[data-testid="offerTileGridContainer"] mds-icon[type="ico_add_circle"'); if (offers) { var msg = `Found ${offers.length} unclicked offers!`; console.log(msg); offers.forEach(function(offer) { var event = new MouseEvent('click', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true, view: window }); offer.dispatchEvent(event) }); var offerMessage = `Completed clicking ${offers.length} offers!`; alert(offerMessage) } else { alert('No element found with the specified data-testid.') }})()
Log into Chase
Click your credit card
Click "Chase Offers"
Click "All offers" so everything is shown on one page
Usually at this point you'd have to click each one, then click back in the browser to click the next. Instead, just click your bookmarklet!
- Enjoy your passive savings!