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Forked from wuxiaoying/gist:f118fd6bbfbb89e497d9
Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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extendsScope_module = angular.module 'classy-extends', ['classy-core']
Note that this does NOT get the mixin class dependencies as of now.
name: 'extends'
localInject: ['$controller']
baseClasses: []
enabled: true
ignore: ['constructor', 'init', 'initScope']
isActive: (klass, deps) ->
if @options.enabled and klass.mixins
if !deps.$scope
throw new Error "You need to inject `$scope` to use the watch object"
return false
return true
preInitBefore: (classConstructor, classObj, module) ->
if classObj.isBaseClass
@baseClasses.push, classConstructor
preInit: (classConstructor, classObj, module) ->
for baseClass in @baseClasses
for name, method of baseClass
classConstructor.prototype[name] = method
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