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David Long davejlong

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  • install gcalcli and connect it up to your account (gcalcli agenda after install should start the auth process)
  • write the python file above to somewhere (I use ~/.i3/
  • setup your ~/.i3/config with the status_command above
  • reload i3


I added the following cron entry to alert via notify-send and dunst gives me warnings */5 * * * * gcalcli remind

alexdunae / monit.conf
Created June 25, 2014 23:32
Get Monit notifications via SMS
check file with path /var/run/
if changed timestamp then exec "/usr/local/bin/monit2twilio" as uid root and gid root
heygarrett / vimrc
Last active September 6, 2019 07:02
Solarized: Night & Day
" Set colorscheme to solarized
colorscheme solarized
" Change the Solarized background to dark or light depending upon the time of
" day (5 refers to 5AM and 17 to 5PM). Change the background only if it is not
" already set to the value we want.
function! SetSolarizedBackground()
if strftime("%H") >= 5 && strftime("%H") < 17
if &background != 'light'
set background=light
jswanner / migrate.rake
Last active August 15, 2024 15:15
Rolls back migrations in current branch not present in specified branch.
desc 'rolls back migrations in current branch not present in other'
task :rollback_branch_migrations, [:other_branch] do |t, args|
load "#{Dir.pwd}/Rakefile"
branch_migrations =
puts ['Rollback the following migrations', branch_migrations, 'y,n? ']
next if %w[no n NO N].include?(STDIN.gets.chomp)
RewriteEngine On
# If it's a real path, just serve it
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
RewriteRule . - [L]
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