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Created March 1, 2019 07:04
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EditTool script for RoboFont 3. Show the ratio between the length of incoming and outgoing sections of bcps and tangents.
import AppKit
from import installTool, EditingTool, BaseEventTool, setActiveEventTool
from mojo.drawingTools import *
from mojo.UI import UpdateCurrentGlyphView
from import BaseWindowController
import math
# A visualisation for RoboFont
# Show the ratio between the length of incoming and outgoing sections of bcps and tangents.
# Show the angle
# Draw in active and inactive views so we can compare different glyphs
# [email protected]
class RatioTool(EditingTool):
balloonDistance = 100
textAttributes = {
AppKit.NSFontAttributeName : AppKit.NSFont.systemFontOfSize_(10),
AppKit.NSForegroundColorAttributeName : AppKit.NSColor.whiteColor(),
aa = .6
incomingColor = AppKit.NSColor.colorWithCalibratedRed_green_blue_alpha_(1,0,.5, aa)
outgoingColor = AppKit.NSColor.colorWithCalibratedRed_green_blue_alpha_(.5,0,1, aa)
_offcurveNames = ['offcurve', 'offCurve'] # RF1.8: offcurve, RF2.0 offCurve
def setup(self):
self._rin = None
self._rout = None
self.markerWidth = 12
self.snapThreshold = .5
def drawInactive(self, viewScale, glyph=None, view=None):
# also draw when the view is inactive so we can compare different windows
self.draw(viewScale, RGlyph(glyph))
def draw(self, viewScale, g=None):
if g is None:
g = self.getGlyph()
if g is not None:
self.getRatio(g, viewScale)
def getRatio(self, g, viewScale):
# get the in/out ratio of selected smooth points
for c in g.contours:
if c is None: continue
l = len(c.points)
for i, p in enumerate(c.points):
# we're dragging a bcp so we need the previous and the one before that
# or, the next and the one after that.
if not p.selected: continue
if c is None:
pppt = c.points[i-2]
ppt = c.points[i-1]
npt = c.points[(i+1)%l]
nnpt = c.points[(i+2)%l]
# if False:
# print('\npppt', pppt, "\t", pppt.type, "\t", pppt.smooth, pppt.index)
# print('ppt', ppt, "\t", ppt.type, "\t", ppt.smooth)
# print('p', p, "\t", p.type, "\t", p.smooth)
# print('npt', npt, "\t", npt.type, "\t", npt.smooth)
# print('nnpt', nnpt, "\t", nnpt.type, "\t", nnpt.smooth)
# print('-'*40)
# print("ppt.type in self._offcurveNames", ppt.type in self._offcurveNames, ppt.type)
# print("ppt.type==curve", ppt.type=="curve")
# print("p.smooth==True", p.smooth==True)
# print("p.type==line", p.type=="line")
# print("npt.type in self._offcurveNames", npt.type in self._offcurveNames)
# print('-'*40)
apt = bpt = cpt = r = rin = rout = None
if p.type in self._offcurveNames and npt.type=="curve" and npt.smooth==True and nnpt.type in self._offcurveNames:
#print('aa 1')
apt = p
bpt = npt
cpt = nnpt
elif ppt.type == "curve" and p.type in self._offcurveNames and npt.type in self._offcurveNames and ppt.smooth==True:
#print('aa 2')
apt = pppt
bpt = ppt
cpt = p
elif ppt.type in self._offcurveNames and p.smooth==True and p.type=="curve" and npt.type in self._offcurveNames:
#print('aa 3')
apt = ppt
bpt = p
cpt = npt
elif ppt.type in self._offcurveNames and p.smooth==True and p.type=="curve" and npt.type == "line":
#print('aa 4')
apt = ppt
bpt = p
cpt = npt
elif pppt.type in self._offcurveNames and ppt.type=="curve" and p.smooth==True and p.type=="line" and npt.type in self._offcurveNames:
#print('aa 5')
apt = ppt
bpt = p
cpt = npt
elif ppt.type in["curve", "line"] and p.smooth==True and p.type=="line" and npt.type in self._offcurveNames:
#print('aa 6')
apt = ppt
bpt = p
cpt = npt
elif ppt.type in self._offcurveNames and p.type in self._offcurveNames and npt.type == "curve":
# dragging an offcurve from a tangent
#print('aa 7')
apt = p
bpt = npt
cpt = nnpt
elif p.type in self._offcurveNames and npt.type in self._offcurveNames and ppt.smooth==True:
# dragging an offcurve from a tangent, other direction
#print('aa 8')
apt = pppt
bpt = ppt
cpt = p
if apt is not None and bpt is not None and cpt is not None:
rin = math.hypot(apt.x-bpt.x,apt.y-bpt.y)
rout = math.hypot(cpt.x-bpt.x,cpt.y-bpt.y)
r = rin / rout
if r is not None:
# text bubble for the ratio
angle = math.atan2(apt.y-cpt.y,apt.x-cpt.x) + .5* math.pi
sbd = self.balloonDistance * viewScale * .25
mp = math.cos(angle) * self.markerWidth* viewScale , math.sin(angle) * self.markerWidth* viewScale
tp = bpt.x + math.cos(angle)*sbd*2, bpt.y + math.sin(angle)*sbd*2
"ratio %3.4f"%(r ),
tp = bpt.x - math.cos(angle)*sbd*2, bpt.y - math.sin(angle)*sbd*2
"angle %3.4f"%(math.degrees(angle)%180 ),
p = bpt.x + bpt.x - apt.x, bpt.y + bpt.y - apt.y
q = bpt.x + bpt.x - cpt.x, bpt.y + bpt.y - cpt.y
dab = math.hypot(bpt.x - apt.x, bpt.y - apt.y)
dcb = math.hypot(bpt.x - cpt.x, bpt.y - cpt.y)
snap = False
m = 3
if max(dab, dcb) - min(dab, dcb) < self.snapThreshold:
snap = True
m = 5
line((p[0]+mp[0], p[1]+mp[1]), (p[0]-mp[0], p[1]-mp[1]))
line((q[0]+mp[0], q[1]+mp[1]), (q[0]-mp[0], q[1]-mp[1]))
fill(1,0,.5), viewScale, m), viewScale, m)
self._rin = rin
self._rout = rout
def dot(self, pos, viewScale, m=3):
m = m * viewScale
oval(pos[0]-m, pos[1]-m, 2*m, 2*m)
def mouseDown(self, point, event):
def mouseUp(self, xx):
self._rin = None
self._rout = None
# def keyDown(self, event):
# letter = event.characters()
# mods = self.getModifiers()
# cmd = mods['commandDown'] > 0
# option = mods['optionDown'] > 0
p = RatioTool()
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