Hello, world!
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Hello, world!
Gists may be edited.
Old content follows for no reason:
Well, the android rooting community is young by my standards and they do things I would never do, like share random binaries with each other and use megasharelol.tldidonotrecognize to store files. Gross. So, I'm inclined to be a bit paranoid.
There are real dangers out there. People use their phones for everything from banking to storing bitcoin to taking pictures.
On Friday 2018-03-02, I installed a couple of distros side by side in VMs.
I used the latest available installation image for each. Well, AFAIK. Everything in this document is AFAIK.
ISO: nixos-minimal--18.03pre129076.831ef4756e3-x86_64-linux.iso DOC: https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/index.html#sec-installation
ISO: guixsd-install-0.14.0.x86_64-linux.iso DOC: https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/manual/html_node/Preparing-for-Installation.html#Preparing-for-Installation
#!/bin/bash | |
IPT="/sbin/iptables" | |
# Server IP | |
SERVER_IP="$(ip addr show venet0 | grep 'inet .*scope global' | cut -f2 | awk '{ print $2}')" | |
# Your DNS servers you use: cat /etc/resolv.conf | |
# Allow connections to this package servers |
wut: wut.c | |
$(CC) -g wut.c -o wut -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -std=c99 |
hobbes@hubris:~/src/emacs$ find . -iname *.c -exec grep -iH ^DEFUN {} + | |
./lib-src/etags.c:DEFUN, 0, st_C_gnumacro | |
./src/xsettings.c:DEFUN ("font-get-system-normal-font", Ffont_get_system_normal_font, | |
./src/xsettings.c:DEFUN ("font-get-system-font", Ffont_get_system_font, Sfont_get_system_font, | |
./src/xsettings.c:DEFUN ("tool-bar-get-system-style", Ftool_bar_get_system_style, | |
./src/doc.c:DEFUN ("documentation", Fdocumentation, Sdocumentation, 1, 2, 0, | |
./src/doc.c:DEFUN ("documentation-property", Fdocumentation_property, | |
./src/doc.c:DEFUN ("Snarf-documentation", Fsnarf_documentation, Ssnarf_documentation, | |
./src/doc.c:DEFUN ("substitute-command-keys", Fsubstitute_command_keys, | |
./src/font.c:DEFUN ("fontp", Ffontp, Sfontp, 1, 2, 0, |
hobbes@metalbaby:~/e2-scratch$ cat faces_mre.txt | |
(◕‿◕) | |
(︺︹︺) | |
hobbes@metalbaby:~/e2-scratch$ od -x faces_mre.txt | |
0000000 e228 9597 80e2 e2bf 9597 0a29 ef28 bab8 | |
0000020 b8ef efb9 bab8 0a29 | |
0000030 | |
hobbes@metalbaby:~/e2-scratch$ uniq -c faces_mre.txt | |
2 (◕‿◕) | |
hobbes@metalbaby:~/e2-scratch$ uniq --version |
# begin build properties | |
# autogenerated by buildinfo.sh | |
ro.build.id=LMY47V | |
ro.build.display.id=LMY47V | |
ro.build.version.incremental=162061344e9b5 | |
ro.build.version.sdk=22 | |
ro.build.version.codename=REL | |
ro.build.version.all_codenames=REL | |
ro.build.version.release=5.1.1 |
This Regulation aims to establish common rules to safeguard equal and non-discriminatory treatment of traffic in the provision of internet access services and related end-users’ rights. It aims to protect end-users and simultaneously to guarantee the continued functioning of the internet ecosystem as an engine of innovation.
Recital 2