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David Loyall daveloyall

  • Omaha, NE
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Gists may be edited.

daveloyall /
Last active May 15, 2020 01:17
my weaksauce audit of Magisk, step one

update: topjohnwu is legit

Old content follows for no reason:

I am thinking about using, but is it safe?

What kind of safe are we talking about here?

Well, the android rooting community is young by my standards and they do things I would never do, like share random binaries with each other and use megasharelol.tldidonotrecognize to store files. Gross. So, I'm inclined to be a bit paranoid.

There are real dangers out there. People use their phones for everything from banking to storing bitcoin to taking pictures.

daveloyall /
Created January 3, 2020 15:26
stackoverflow question
  1. Some moderator said in a now deleted comment something like "You appear to be proposing we make a change without suggesting how that change would benefit the site.
  2. I said: "The same way the original open-source-advertising policy benefited the site. I wasn't privy to that conversation, but I presume that it was because the site is made of of users, many of whom depend on and enjoy free software, and the site lives on the internet, which itself depends on and benefits from free software. (Any time I say "free software", I mean free-as-in-freedom, not necessarily free-as-in-beer.)"
  3. A moderator said: "I suggest editing the question to include this info"
daveloyall /
Created March 3, 2018 00:44
guixsd vs nixos
daveloyall /
Last active September 22, 2017 21:22 — forked from thomasfr/
# Server IP
SERVER_IP="$(ip addr show venet0 | grep 'inet .*scope global' | cut -f2 | awk '{ print $2}')"
# Your DNS servers you use: cat /etc/resolv.conf
# Allow connections to this package servers
daveloyall / Makefile
Created September 1, 2017 19:06
C help?
wut: wut.c
$(CC) -g wut.c -o wut -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -std=c99
daveloyall / gist:d17ae04ee2d1b376e8a46cff00d61670
Last active April 24, 2017 21:22
list of lines beginning with DEFUN in *.c files in emacs.git MASTER (2017-04-24)
hobbes@hubris:~/src/emacs$ find . -iname *.c -exec grep -iH ^DEFUN {} +
./lib-src/etags.c:DEFUN, 0, st_C_gnumacro
./src/xsettings.c:DEFUN ("font-get-system-normal-font", Ffont_get_system_normal_font,
./src/xsettings.c:DEFUN ("font-get-system-font", Ffont_get_system_font, Sfont_get_system_font,
./src/xsettings.c:DEFUN ("tool-bar-get-system-style", Ftool_bar_get_system_style,
./src/doc.c:DEFUN ("documentation", Fdocumentation, Sdocumentation, 1, 2, 0,
./src/doc.c:DEFUN ("documentation-property", Fdocumentation_property,
./src/doc.c:DEFUN ("Snarf-documentation", Fsnarf_documentation, Ssnarf_documentation,
./src/doc.c:DEFUN ("substitute-command-keys", Fsubstitute_command_keys,
./src/font.c:DEFUN ("fontp", Ffontp, Sfontp, 1, 2, 0,
daveloyall / demo.log
Last active January 26, 2017 22:37
Bug in uniq (GNU coreutils) 8.26
hobbes@metalbaby:~/e2-scratch$ cat faces_mre.txt
hobbes@metalbaby:~/e2-scratch$ od -x faces_mre.txt
0000000 e228 9597 80e2 e2bf 9597 0a29 ef28 bab8
0000020 b8ef efb9 bab8 0a29
hobbes@metalbaby:~/e2-scratch$ uniq -c faces_mre.txt
2 (◕‿◕)
hobbes@metalbaby:~/e2-scratch$ uniq --version
daveloyall / build.prop
Created September 23, 2016 18:02
LG Spree, Cricket, LG-K120, codename e1c
# begin build properties
# autogenerated by

Recital 1

This Regulation aims to establish common rules to safeguard equal and non-discriminatory treatment of traffic in the provision of internet access services and related end-users’ rights. It aims to protect end-users and simultaneously to guarantee the continued functioning of the internet ecosystem as an engine of innovation.

Recital 2