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Last active December 11, 2024 05:30
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Zero-dependency Python script to decode the Bluesky firehose

Zero-dependency Python script to decode the Bluesky Firehose

This is a pure Python implementation of code necessary to decode the Bluesky Firehose's low-level binary data format.

It does not depend on any third-party libraries for decoding; we implement DAG_CBOR and CARv1 decoding ourselves.

To run this, install Astral's UV.


$ uv run
# ... so much output!

Or you can download the script locally and run it as:

$ ./
# ... so much data!

I have notes about this on my website. My notes are often "in progress" as I learn more, but hopefully that + the comments in the code itself are useful!

It depends on httpx and httpx_ws, right?

Yes! I wanted to focus on decoding, not on building a WebSockets client. :-)

#!/usr/bin/env -S uv run -q
# /// script
# requires-python = ">=3.13"
# dependencies = [
# "httpx",
# "httpx-ws",
# ]
# ///
import json
import struct
import typing as t
from base64 import b32encode
from io import BytesIO
from httpx_ws import connect_ws
BSKY_FIREHOSE = "wss://"
class JSONEncoderWithBytes(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, bytes):
return obj.hex()
return super().default(obj)
def read_uvarint(stream: t.IO[bytes]) -> int:
Read a multiformats unsigned varint from the given stream.
See the specification at
And the reference Go implementation at
shift = 0
result = 0
while True:
byte =
if not byte:
raise ValueError("Unexpected end of input while parsing varint.")
byte_val = byte[0]
result |= (byte_val & 0x7F) << shift
shift += 7
if not (byte_val & 0x80):
return result
def multibase_encode_b(b: bytes) -> str:
Encode the given byte string using RFC 4648 base32 encoding, case-insensitive,
without padding. Add a multibase prefix 'b' to indicate the encoding.
See the raw encoding specification at
See the multibase specification at
b32_str = b32encode(b).decode("ascii").replace("=", "").lower()
return f"b{b32_str}"
def encode_dag_cbor_cid(value: bytes) -> str:
Convert a CID tag value to a base32 encoded CID string with a multibase prefix.
This is the default representation for CIDs used elsewhere in the ATProto,
and in examples, so it should be familiar.
A CID (Content Identifier) is a multiformats self-describing
content-addressed identifier.
See the specification for CIDs in general at:
See the specification for CIDs found in DAG_CBOR (aka tag 42) at:
Other useful details about CIDs can be found at:
And the reference Go implementation at:
if len(value) != 37:
raise NotImplementedError("Only DAG_CBOR encoded CIDs are supported.")
multibase_prefix = value[0]
if multibase_prefix != 0x00: # Multibase identity prefix
raise ValueError("DAG_CBOR CIDs must have a multibase identity prefix.")
cid_data = value[1:]
return multibase_encode_b(cid_data)
# See the IANA registry for CBOR tags at
def read_dag_cbor(stream: t.IO[bytes]) -> t.Any:
Decodes a DAG_CBOR encoded byte string from the given stream.
The base CBOR specification is RFC 8949; details at
There's a useful CBOR playground at
DAG_CBOR is a more restrictive variant of CBOR defined in IPLD; see:
initial_byte =
if not initial_byte:
raise ValueError("Unexpected end of input while decoding CBOR.")
initial_value = initial_byte[0]
major_type = initial_value >> 5
additional_info = initial_value & 0x1F
if major_type == 0: # Unsigned integer
return read_cbor_uint(stream, additional_info)
elif major_type == 1: # Negative integer
return -1 - read_cbor_uint(stream, additional_info)
elif major_type == 2: # Byte string
length = read_cbor_uint(stream, additional_info)
elif major_type == 3: # Text string
length = read_cbor_uint(stream, additional_info)
elif major_type == 4: # Array
length = read_cbor_uint(stream, additional_info)
return [read_dag_cbor(stream) for _ in range(length)]
elif major_type == 5: # Map
length = read_cbor_uint(stream, additional_info)
return {read_dag_cbor(stream): read_dag_cbor(stream) for _ in range(length)}
elif major_type == 6: # Tagged item
# DAG_CBOR *requires* all tags to be of type 42 (IPLD CID)
# We convert these to base32 CID strings by default
tag = read_cbor_uint(stream, additional_info)
if tag != CID_CBOR_TAG:
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported CBOR tag {tag} in DAG_CBOR.")
value = read_dag_cbor(stream)
return encode_dag_cbor_cid(value)
elif major_type == 7: # Simple values and floats
if additional_info == 20: # False
return False
elif additional_info == 21: # True
return True
elif additional_info == 22: # Null
return None
elif additional_info == 23: # Undefined
# Technically, this is not supported in DAG_CBOR. But we'll allow it.
return None # CBOR 'undefined' is translated as None
elif additional_info == 25: # Half-precision float (not implemented)
raise NotImplementedError("Half-precision floats are not supported.")
elif additional_info == 26: # Single-precision float
return struct.unpack(">f",[0]
elif additional_info == 27: # Double-precision float
return struct.unpack(">d",[0]
raise ValueError(
f"Unsupported simple value with additional info {additional_info}."
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported DAG_CBOR major type {major_type}.")
def read_cbor_uint(stream: t.IO[bytes], additional_info: int) -> int:
Parses an unsigned integer from the stream based on the additional information.
See for details.
if additional_info < 24:
return additional_info
elif additional_info == 24:
return struct.unpack(">B",[0]
elif additional_info == 25:
return struct.unpack(">H",[0]
elif additional_info == 26:
return struct.unpack(">I",[0]
elif additional_info == 27:
return struct.unpack(">Q",[0]
raise ValueError(
f"Unsupported additional information for integer parsing: {additional_info}."
def read_carv1(stream: t.IO[bytes]) -> t.Any:
Decodes a CARv1 encoded byte string from the given stream.
CARv1 is a format used for content-addressed archives in IPLD.
See the specification at:
(This is the CARv2 specification, but CARv1 is a subset of it.)
See the reference Go implementation at:
# Dict containing the CAR header, with a 'roots' and a 'version' key
header = read_car_header(stream)
car_version = header["version"]
if car_version != 1:
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported CAR version {car_version}.")
blocks = []
while True:
node = read_car_node(stream)
except ValueError:
return {"header": header, "blocks": blocks}
def read_car_header(stream: t.IO[bytes]) -> dict:
"""Read the header of any CAR version from the given stream."""
cbor_bytes = read_car_ld(stream)
with BytesIO(cbor_bytes) as bio:
return read_dag_cbor(bio)
def read_car_node(stream: t.IO[bytes]) -> dict:
"""Read a single CAR node from the given stream."""
bytes = read_car_ld(stream)
cid_bytes = bytes[:36]
cid_str = encode_dag_cbor_cid(b"\00" + cid_bytes)
data_cbor = bytes[36:]
data = read_dag_cbor(BytesIO(data_cbor))
return {"cid": cid_str, "data": data}
def read_car_ld(stream: t.IO[bytes]) -> bytes:
"""Read the CAR link data section from the given stream."""
length = read_uvarint(stream)
def read_firehose_frame(frame: bytes) -> tuple[dict, dict]:
Read a single frame from the BSKY firehose stream.
Each frame contains two CBOR-encoded DAG structures: the header,
and the body of the message.
with BytesIO(frame) as bio:
# Read the frame header and body.
# The header is a dict that contains the message type, which is one of:
# "#commit", "#account", "#identity", "#handle", "#tombstone"
# The body is a dict that contains the message data, which is specific
# to the type. If you're interested, for instances, in posts, you want
# "#commit" messages that contain a "create" operation to the
# "*" path.
header, body = read_dag_cbor(bio), read_dag_cbor(bio)
# If this frame contains an op that includes blocks
# (for instance, a repo #commit), we need to decode the
# blocks from CARv1 format
# The CAR header will contain a "root" reference (CID) to
# the top-level data object, which is described in "Commit Objects"
# in the atproto documentation, here:
# Our code returns a sequence of nodes in the order they appear
# in the archive; from them and their various CID references, you
# could construct a full MST tree as described in that link.
# This would be useful if you wanted to fully verify the message.
# On the other hand, you can also easily just filter through the
# blocks to find something you're looking for, like a specific
# type of object like a post (where "$type" is "")
body_blocks = body.get("blocks")
if isinstance(body_blocks, bytes):
body["blocks"] = read_carv1(BytesIO(body_blocks))
return header, body
def firehose():
with connect_ws(BSKY_FIREHOSE) as ws:
while True:
cbor_frame = ws.receive_bytes()
header, body = read_firehose_frame(cbor_frame)
frame = {"header": header, "body": body}
print(json.dumps(frame, cls=JSONEncoderWithBytes))
if __name__ == "__main__":
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