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Created June 17, 2013 18:48
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inline_entity_form widget tweaks
* Implements hook_field_widget_WIDGET_TYPE_form_alter().
* Make some visual tweaks to the inline entity form and it's subforms.
function custom_field_widget_inline_entity_form_form_alter(&$element, &$form_state, $context) {
$info = entity_get_info($element['entities']['#entity_type']);
// If there is ony one bundle available to use, change the wording in the
// buttons to be more helpful and reference that bundle only, rather than
// the entity type.
if (!empty($element['actions']['bundle']['#value']) && $element['actions']['bundle']['#type'] == 'value') {
$bundle = drupal_strtolower($info['bundles'][$element['actions']['bundle']['#value']]['label']);
$bundle_lowercase = drupal_strtolower($bundle);
if (isset($element['actions']['ief_add']['#value'])) {
$element['actions']['ief_add']['#value'] = t('Add @bundle', array('@bundle' => $bundle_lowercase));
if (isset($element['actions']['ief_add_existing']['#value'])) {
$element['actions']['ief_add_existing']['#value'] = t('Use existing @bundle', array('@bundle' => $bundle_lowercase));
$state = $form_state['inline_entity_form'][$element['#ief_id']];
if (!empty($element['form'])) {
$bundle = $info['bundles'][$state['form settings']['bundle']]['label'];
$bundle_lowercase = drupal_strtolower($bundle);
if ($state['form'] == 'add') {
$element['form']['#title'] = t('Add @bundle', array('@bundle' => $bundle_lowercase));
$element['form']['actions']['ief_add_save']['#value'] = t('Save @bundle', array('@bundle' => $bundle_lowercase));
elseif ($state['form'] == 'ief_add_existing') {
$element['form']['#title'] = t('Select an existing @bundle', array('@bundle' => $bundle_lowercase));
$element['form']['entity_id']['#title'] = check_plain($bundle);
$element['form']['actions']['ief_reference_save']['#value'] = t('Select @bundle', array('@bundle' => $bundle_lowercase));
elseif ($element['form']['#op'] == 'clone') {
$element['form']['#title'] = t('Clone @bundle', array('@bundle' => $bundle_lowercase));
$element['form']['actions']['ief_clone_save']['#value'] = t('Save @bundle', array('@bundle' => $bundle_lowercase));
if (!empty($element['form']['#title'])) {
$element['form']['ief_form_title'] = array(
'#markup' => '<h4>' . $element['form']['#title'] . '</h4>',
'#weight' => -100,
if (!empty($state['entities'])) {
foreach ($state['entities'] as $delta => $entity_state) {
if ($entity_state['form'] == 'edit') {
$bundle = $info['bundles'][$element['entities'][$delta]['form']['#bundle']]['label'];
$bundle_lowercase = drupal_strtolower($bundle);
$element['entities'][$delta]['form']['actions']['ief_edit_save']['#value'] = t('Save @bundle', array('@bundle' => $bundle_lowercase));
// Force the parent element to always be rendered as a fieldset so that we
// never lose the parent field title, description, and required indicators.
$element['#type'] = 'fieldset';
// Add support for the field help text.
if (!empty($context['instance']['description'])) {
$element['#description'] = field_filter_xss($context['instance']['description']);
else {
$element['#description'] = '';
// Only re-add the cardinality description if you can add more than one
// value, and this isn't an unlimited-value field.
if ($context['field']['cardinality'] != FIELD_CARDINALITY_UNLIMITED && $context['field']['cardinality'] > 1) {
if (!empty($element['#description'])) {
$element['#description'] .= ' ';
$element['#description'] = t('You have added @entities_count out of @cardinality_count allowed.', array(
'@entities_count' => count($state['entities']),
'@cardinality_count' => $context['field']['cardinality'],
// Add the required marker to the title.
if ($context['instance']['required']) {
$element['#title'] .= theme('form_required_marker');
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