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Last active December 1, 2018 08:08
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An Evohome to MQTT bridge
#! /usr/bin/env python
"""Uses the brilliant Evohome Client from Andrew Stock to query the status of
a Honeywell Evohome heat system and publishes the responses to an a MQTT broker.
Evohome Client available
Run with your username and password
eventcmd = /home/pi/bin/ -u username -p password
import argparse
import logging
import logging.handlers
from evohomeclient2 import EvohomeClient
import paho.mqtt.publish as mqtt
# Global Logger
_LOG = logging.getLogger('evohome')
_LOG = logging.getLogger()
_HANDLER = logging.StreamHandler()
_FORMATTER = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s')
def main():
"""Main function, parse args and read alarm files, send resulting events to mqtt broker"""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="An Honeywell Evohome to MQTT inteface",
epilog="V0.1 by Dave Sargeant, Evohome Client by Andrew Stock")
parser.add_argument("-u", "--username", required=True,
help="Username/Email to log into mytotalconnectcomfort.")
parser.add_argument("-p", "--password", required=True,
help="Password for mytotalconnectcomfort.")
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
help="increase output verbosity")
parser.add_argument("-m", "--mqtt-broker", dest='mqtt_broker', default='localhost',
help="Relay events to mqtt server")
args = parser.parse_args()
syslog_handler = logging.handlers.SysLogHandler(address='/dev/log')
if args.verbose is True:
_LOG.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)"Connecting to mytotalconnectcomfort as %s", args.username)
client = EvohomeClient(args.username, args.password)
except Exception as error: # pylint: disable=broad-except
_LOG.error("Unable to connect to mytotalconnectcomfort %s", str(error))"client %s", str(client))
msgs = []
for device in client.temperatures():"device %s", str(device))
# Remove spaces and lower case
topic = device['name'].replace(' ', '_').lower()
if device['thermostat'] == 'EMEA_ZONE':
for thing in ['temp', 'setpoint']:
mqtt_topic = "whouse/evohome/{}/{}".format(thing, topic)
value = float(device[thing])
except TypeError:
_LOG.error("For topic {} rejecting non-float {} {}".format(mqtt_topic, thing, device[thing]))
if value > 75:
_LOG.error("For topic {} rejecting out of range {} {}".format(mqtt_topic, thing, device[thing]))
payload = "{}".format(value)
msg = {'topic':mqtt_topic, 'payload':payload}
_LOG.debug("Adding (topic=%s) : %s to %s", mqtt_topic, payload, args.mqtt_broker)
elif device['thermostat'] == 'DOMESTIC_HOT_WATER':
topic = "whouse/evohome/temp/domestic_hot_water"
temp = float(device['temp'])
if temp > 75:
_LOG.error("For topic {} rejecting out of range temp {}".format(topic, temp))
payload = "{temp}".format(temp=device['temp'])
msg = {'topic':topic, 'payload':payload}
_LOG.debug("Adding (topic=%s) : %s to %s", topic, payload, args.mqtt_broker)
else:"Unknown device: %s", str(device))
mqtt.multiple(msgs, hostname=args.mqtt_broker)
if len(msgs):"Sending %d messages to broker %s", len(msgs), args.mqtt_broker)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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