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Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
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A script that takes an input fasta and generates properly paired reads
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Simple script that takes an input fasta sequence
# and generates paired end reads
use strict;
use warnings;
my $usage = "Usage: $0 <infile.fa> <read length> <number of pairs> <inner mate distance> <seed>\n";
my $fasta = shift or die $usage;
my $len = shift or die $usage;
my $num = shift or die $usage;
my $inner_mate = shift or die $usage;
my $seed = shift or die $usage;
my $seq = '';
open(IN,'<',$fasta) || die "Could not open $fasta: $!\n";
next if /^>/;
$seq .= $_;
my $seq_len = length($seq);
my $limit = $seq_len - $len -$len - $inner_mate + 1;
if ($len > $seq_len){
die "Your read length is longer than the input sequence\n";
# on Illumina 1.8+ ! is the worst quality
# and J is the best
my $fake_qual = 'J' x $len;
my $name = 'l' . $len . '_' . 'n' . $num . '_' . 'd' . $inner_mate . '_' . $seed;
my $first_out = $name . '_1.fq';
my $second_out = $name . '_2.fq';
open(R1,'>',$first_out) || die "Could not open $first_out for writing: $!\n";
open(R2,'>',$second_out) || die "Could not open $second_out for writing: $!\n";
for (1 .. $num){
my $first_start = int(rand($limit));
if ($first_start > $limit){
while( $first_start > $limit ){
$first_start = int(rand($limit));
my $first_read = substr($seq,$first_start,$len);
my $first_pos = $first_start + 1;
print R1 "\@$_:$first_pos\n$first_read\n+\n$fake_qual\n";
my $second_start = $first_start + $inner_mate;
my $second_read = substr($seq,$second_start,$len);
$second_read = reverse($second_read);
$second_read =~ tr/ACGT/TGCA/;
my $second_pos = $second_start + 1;
print R2 "\@$_:$first_pos\n$second_read\n+\n$fake_qual\n";
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