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Created September 17, 2009 12:49
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[TestFixture, Category("Email")]
public class When_sending_an_email_message : Specification
private EmailSender _emailSender;
private ISmtpServer _smtpServer;
private IBuildEmailBodies _emailBodyLoader;
public override void Given()
_smtpServer = CreateStub<ISmtpServer>();
_smtpServer.Expect(a => a.Send(Arg<MailMessage>.Is.Anything));
_emailBodyLoader = CreateStub<IBuildEmailBodies>();
_emailBodyLoader.Expect(a => a.Build(Arg<TestEmailMessage>.Is.Anything)).Return(new EmailBody("", ""));
_emailSender = new EmailSender(_emailBodyLoader, _smtpServer);
public override void Because()
_emailSender.SendEmail(new TestEmailMessage());
public void Then_the_email_body_should_be_retrieved()
_emailBodyLoader.AssertWasCalled(a => a.Build(Arg<EmailMessageBase>.Is.Anything));
public void And_the_email_should_be_sent_to_the_user()
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