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Created January 27, 2014 00:37
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why's (poignant) guide to ruby in clojure - chapter 3
; ex. 1:
(repeat 5 "Odelay!")
; ex. 2:
(when-not (re-find #"aura" "restaurant") (System/exit 0))
; ex. 3:
(map clojure.string/capitalize ["toast" "cheese" "wine"])
; ex. 4:
(def teddy-bear-fee 121.08)
; ex. 5:
(def total (+ orphan-fee teddy-bear-fee gratuity))
; ex. 6:
(def population 12000000000) ; no underscore notation :(
; ex. 7:
(def avril-quote
"I'm a lot wiser. Now I know what the business is like --
what you have to do and how to work it.")
; ex. 8:
(print oprah-quote)
(print avril-quote)
(print ashlee-simpson-debacle)
; ex. 9:
(def EmpireStateBuilding "350 5th Avenue, NYC, NY")
; although most values are essentially immutable in Clojure,
; so there is usually no need to capitalize the names of symbols
; to reflect that they are "constants"
; ex. 10:
(open front-door)
; ex. 11:
(close (open front-door))
; ex. 12:
(is-open? front-door)
; ex. 13:
(paint front-door 3 :red)
; ex. 14:
(-> front-door
(paint 3 :red)
(dry 30)
; ex. 15:
(print "See, no dot.")
; ex. 16: Door::new( :oak )
; you could create a Door record, or you could simply represent doors as
; map structures with a :material attribute like so:
(def oaken-door {:material :oak})
; and maybe define a (redundant) function to "create" a new door, like this:
(defn door [material]
{:material material})
(door :oak)
; ex. 17:
(repeat 2 "Yes, I've used chunky bacon in my examples, but never again!")
; ex. 18:
(loop []
(print "Much better.")
(print "Ah. More space!")
(print "My back was killin' me in those crab pincers.")
; ex. 19: ; { |x,y| x + y }
; no general equivalent of Ruby blocks/block arguments in Clojure,
; although this idea fits into the concept of locals/bindings.
; #(+ %1 %2) is kind of a translation of this Ruby code
; ex. 20:
{:name "Peter", :profession "lion tamer", :great-love "flannel"}
; ex. 21:
(slurp "")
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