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Created March 20, 2014 03:11
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; exs. 32-34:
; not applicable to Clojure (Ruby class inheritance)
; although this is somewhat similar to implementing protocols in records
; ex. 35:
(defn mail-them-a-kit [address]
(when-not (instance? address ex.Address)
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. "No Address object found.")))
(print (formatted address)))
; ex. 36:
; this kind of monkey-patching isn't really available in Clojure...
; the way to do it would be to create a new protocol/record that takes
; an ordinary array as an argument and implements this modified "join"
; function on the array instead of e.g. clojure.string/join
(defprotocol ArrayPlus
(join [a] [a sep] [a sep frmt]
"Joins strings together into a formatted string."))
(defrecord ArrayMine [a]
(join [am] (join am ""))
(join [am sep] (join am sep "%s"))
(join [am sep frmt]
(clojure.string/join sep (map #(format frmt %) a))))
; ex. 37:
(def rooms (ArrayMine. [3 4 6]))
(str "We have " (join rooms ", " "%d bed") " rooms available.")
; ex. 38:
; Ruby modules are analagous to Clojure namespaces
(ns ex.watchful-saint-agnes)
(def ToothlessManWithFork ["man" "fork" "exposed gums"])
(defrecord FatWaxyChild [])
(def timid-foxfaced-girl {"please" "i want an acorn please"})
; ex. 39:
; this is another thing in Ruby that you can't really do in Clojure,
; or at least it's not idiomatic. You can access all of the above objects
; from a different namespace as ex.watchful-saint-agnes/FatWaxyChild,
; ex.watchful-saint-agnes/timid-foxfaced-girl, etc. The idea of "copying" them
; over into a new "class" doesn't really make sense in Clojure's functional
; style.
; ex. 40:
(defrecord LotteryTicket [picks purchased])
(defn new-lottery-ticket [& picks]
(not= (count picks) 3)
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. "three numbers must be picked"))
(not= (count (distinct picks)) 3)
(throw (IllegalArgumentException.
"the three picks must be different numbers"))
(not-every? #(some #{%} (range 1 26)) picks)
(throw (IllegalArgumentException.
"the three picks must be numbers between 1 and 25")))
(LotteryTicket. picks (java.util.Date.)))
; ex. 41:
; no need to do this in Clojure. Records automatically give you a standard
; way to "get" fields. Records function just like maps, which makes getting
; the fields as easy as getting a value from a map (see next example)
; ex. 42:
(def ticket (apply new-lottery-ticket (repeatedly 3 #(rand-nth (range 1 26)))))
(:picks ticket)
; ex. 43:
; unlike in Ruby, this works by default
(assoc ticket :picks [2 6 19])
; ex. 44:
; in Clojure it would make more sense for this to be an ordinary function,
; not a class method belonging to the LotteryTicket "class"
(defn random-lottery-ticket []
(apply new-lottery-ticket (repeatedly 3 #(rand-nth (range 1 26)))))
; results in an IllegalArgumentException if not all 3 numbers are unique
; ex. 45:
(defn random-lottery-ticket []
(try (apply new-lottery-ticket (repeatedly 3 #(rand-nth (range 1 26))))
(catch IllegalArgumentException e (random-lottery-ticket))))
; recursively calls itself until it returns a valid lottery ticket (3 unique #'s)
; ex. 46:
; rather than making this all part of a "LotteryDraw class," it would be more
; idiomatic in Clojure to include all of these as top-level objects and functions
; in a namespace called, say, (ns ex.lottery-draw)
(def tickets (atom {}))
(defn buy [customer & tickets]
(swap! tickets #(merge-with concat % {customer tickets})))
; ex. 47:
(buy "Yal-dal-rip-sip"
(new-lottery-ticket 12 6 19)
(new-lottery-ticket 5 1 3)
(new-lottery-ticket 24 6 8))
; ex. 48:
(defprotocol Scoring
(score [ticket final] "Counts the number of correct numbers on the ticket."))
(extend-type LotteryTicket
(score [ticket final]
(count (clojure.set/intersection (set (:picks ticket)) (set (:picks final))))))
; ex. 49:
(defn play []
"Returns a hash of each winner to a list of their winning tickets, in the
form {winner ([ticket1 score1] [ticket2 score2])}."
(let [winning-numbers (random-lottery-ticket)]
(into {}
(for [[plyr tkts] @tickets
:when (some #(> (score % winning-numbers) 0) tkts)]
[plyr (for [tkt tkts
:let [score (score tkt winning-numbers)]
:when (> score 0)]
[tkt score])]))))
; ex. 50:
; not relevant to our Clojure translation of ex. 48.
; the "||=" syntax here is a Ruby trick used to "initialize" an entry
; in a map to an empty array [] if there is not already a key with a certain
; name in said map. This is not needed in Clojure, as you can just do, e.g.,
; (merge-with f map {key val}) and if the map already contains the key, it will
; "update" it by calling the function on the existing value, otherwise it will
; "create" the {key val} entry you are merging in
; ex. 51:
; see above. Re: this particular example of conditional assignment
; (winners[buyer] = winners[buyer] || []), Clojure essentially has this
; "built into" its implentation of hashmaps. If you try to look up a key
; in a map that doesn't contain said key, you conveniently get nil.
; ex. 51-1/2:
; (this is an irb example that could just as easily be a standalone script)
(doseq [[winner tickets] (play)]
(println winner "won on" (count tickets) "ticket(s)!")
(doseq [[ticket score] tickets]
(println (str "\t" (clojure.string/join ", " (:picks ticket)) ": " score))))
; exs. 52-53:
; not applicable to Clojure, wherein records work just like hash-maps
; ex. 54:
(defprotocol Judging
(the-winner [contest name]))
(defrecord SkatingContest [winner]
(the-winner [_ name]
(when-not (string? name)
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. "The winner's name must be a String,
not a math problem or a list of names or any of that business.")))
(SkatingContest. name)))
; example usage:
(def contest (SkatingContest. nil))
(the-winner contest "Dave") ;=> (SkatingContest. "Dave")
; not exactly something you would do in Clojure, but it's possible!
; ex. 55:
(def NOTES [:Ab :A :Bb :B :C :Db :D :Eb :E :F :Gb :G])
(defrecord AnimalLottoTicket [picks purchased])
(defn new-ticket [note1 note2 note3 :as notes]
(when-not (distinct? notes)
(throw (IllegalArgumentException. "the three picks must be different notes")))
(letfn [(valid-note? [x] (some #{x} NOTES))]
(when-not (every? valid-note? notes)
(throw (IllegalArgumentException.
"the three picks must be notes in the chromatic scale."))))
(AnimalLottoTicket. notes (java.util.Date.)))
(defn random-ticket []
(try (apply new-ticket (repeatedly 3 #(rand-nth NOTES)))
(catch IllegalArgumentException e (random-ticket))))
(defprotocol Scoring
(score [ticket final] "Counts the number of correct numbers on the ticket."))
(extend-type AnimalLotteryTicket
(score [ticket final]
(count (clojure.set/intersection (set (:picks ticket)) (set (:picks final))))))
; ex. 56:
; references the MindReader "read" method from ex. 13. In this Ruby example,
; _why refers to "" within a module, with the intent of mixing the
; module into an existing class that contains a "read" method, such as the
; MindReader class from before. To emulate this in Clojure, we can create an
; ordinary function that takes a "this" argument (a record). See the next
; example for how to "mix in" this function to our existing MindReader record.
(require '[endertromb.core :as endertromb])
(defn scan-for-a-wish [this]
(when-let [wish ((comp first filter) #(= (subs % 0 6) "wish: ") (read this))]
(clojure.string/replace wish "wish: " "")))
; ex. 57:
; there is actually no need to "mix in" our scan-for-a-wish method. As an ordinary
; method, it can be used by (or rather, on) any record that implements a protocol
; that has a "read" method. If you pass in a (MindReader.) record to the
; scan-for-a-wish method, it will replace the "this" in (read this), and the
; correct "read" method will be dispatched.
; ex. 58:
(def reader (MindReader. (endertromb/scan-for-sentience)))
(def wisher (WishMaker. (rand-int 6)))
; this example doesn't really work within Clojure's functional programming
; paradigm. To be fair, it isn't properly explained how the Ruby example's
; infinite loop goes on to the next wish after the last one has been granted. I
; assume the WishMaker's "grant" method would destructively delete the wishful
; thought from the queue of thoughts read by the MindReader, so that on the next
; iteration of the loop, the "scan_for_a_wish" method will find a new wish. If
; this were an actual program in Clojure, scanning thoughts for wishes in
; real-time, we would probably want to use a ref or an atom to represent a (lazy?)
; sequence of thoughts, and have an infinite loop that checks the first thought
; and either grants it (if it starts with "wish: ") or discards it, updating the
; ref or atom's state with each iteration of the loop
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