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Created August 4, 2014 20:20
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Tahoe-LAFS Cryptoparty workshop!
Crypto party Tahoe-LAFS Onion Grid Workshop
or "How you and your friends can setup an onion
grid for file sharing and file storage."
Note: This guide is written with the assumption that the user's local workstation
runs Tails with a persistent encrypted volume AND
the remote Tahoe-LAFS storage servers run Debian Wheezy Linux.
The plot:
Each participant will:
1. configure a Tahoe-LAFS storage node that listens to a Tor hidden service
onion address. One or more of these storage nodes will also act as Tahoe introducer nodes
2. configure a local Tahoe-LAFS client with the appropriate grid connection information
3. create a Tahoe alias, let's call it OnionGroupShare and backs up a small amount of data as proof of concept
At this point the group leader can demonstrate file/directory sharing.
She creates a mutable directory on the Tahoe-LAFS onion grid and shares the ReadWrite cryptographic capability
with all of the onion grid users via authenticated crypto protocols such as OTR, Pond and PGP.
tahoe create-alias OnionGroupShare
tahoe list-aliases
Users simply put this capability into their .tahoe/private/aliases file and then they can read and write to
that mutable Tahoe-LAFS directory.
tahoe ls OnionGroupShare:
cp OnionGroupShare:someFile .
The details:
1. use Ansible to automate Tahoe storage node configuration
1a. setup basic Ansible working directory hierarchy
mkdir -p /home/amnesia/Persistent/projects/ansible-base/roles
mkdir -p /home/amnesia/Persistent/projects/ansible-base/host_vars
cd ~/Persistent/projects/ansible-base/roles
git clone git+
git clone git+
cd ..
1b. install Ansible in a python virtual env
3 easy steps:
step 1:
get the latest stable python virtualenv and cryptographically verify it.
save it to: ~/Persistent/virtualenv-x.xx.x/
step 2:
create a virtual env to run ansible:
Persistent/virtualenv-x.xx.x/ --system-site-packages Persistent/virtenv-ansible
New python executable in Persistent/virtenv-ansible/bin/python
Installing setuptools, pip...done.
step 3:
activate the virtual env and install ansible and dependencies:
. ~/Persistent/virtenv-ansible/bin/activate
sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev
pip install ecdsa markupsafe paramiko PyYAML Jinja2 httplib2
pip install ansible
1c. use my Tahoe-LAFS Tails playbook to configure your Tails system:
cd /home/amnesia/Persistent/projects/ansible-base/roles
git clone
cd ansible-tahoe-lafs
cp playbook-examples/tails_oniongrid_client.yml /home/amnesia/Persistent/projects/ansible-base/
cd ~/Persistent/projects/ansible-base
echo 'localhost' > localhost-inventory
At this point you should edit the tails_oniongrid_client.yml file and make sure
it has appropriate Tahoe-LAFS grid connection information. Once you verify that then
you can build and configure a local Tahoe-LAFS client with this single command:
ansible-playbook -i localhost-inventory tails_oniongrid_client.yml --ask-sudo-pass
1d. use my onionGridStorage playbook to configure your remove storage node(s)
Firstly, create an Ansible inventory file at this location:
You may want to use Ansible to configure two storage servers.
The file contents will look something like this:
Create two files in the "host_vars" directory called and yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy... You can set the
Tahoe storage server nickname in these files. Here's an example file contents:
tahoe_nickname: EntropicOnionStorageNode
Configure a playbook for your Onion grid storage servers:
cp roles/ansible-tahoe-lafs/playbook-examples/oniongrid-storage-nodes.yml .
edit oniongrid-storage-nodes.yml to contain appropriate settings such as the introducer FURL for your onion grid.
Configure your servers... Run the playbook:
ansible-playbook -i onion-storage-inventory oniongrid-storage-nodes.yml -u human
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