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Last active February 18, 2017 22:01
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mixnet logo
# dot -Tpng -o rgb_mix.png -Tpng -o rgb_mix.png
digraph rgb_mixnet {
ratio = fill;
rank = min;
subgraph cluster0 {
#rankdir = RL;
node [shape = doublecircle, fillcolor=black, style="filled", width=1,height=1]; e;
node [shape = circle, fillcolor="black", width=1, height=1];
e -> c [style="setlinewidth(8)"];
c -> b [style="setlinewidth(8)"];
b -> d [style="setlinewidth(8)"];
d -> a [color = "red", style="setlinewidth(8)"];
a -> c [color = "red", style="setlinewidth(8)"];
a -> d [color = "green", style="setlinewidth(8)"];
c -> d [color = "red", style="setlinewidth(8)"];
c -> e [color = "green", style="setlinewidth(8)"];
e -> a [style="setlinewidth(8)"];
b -> c [color = "green", style="setlinewidth(8)"];
d -> e [style="setlinewidth(8)"];
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