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Last active September 22, 2017 01:52
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how to scan the tor network for partitions
how to scan the tor network for partitions
1. setup a machine running Tor and expose its control port as either a tcp port or unix domain socket
with no authentication
*edit* /etc/tor/torrc
blah blah easy rtfm
2. install tor_partition_scanner
virtualenv virtenv-orscanner
. ./virtenv-orscanner/bin/activate
mkdir -p code; cd code
git clone
cd tor_partition_scanner
pip install -e .
3. get a recent consensus file
Use consensus files from collector if you want others to be able to reproduce your results.
here -->
4. choose which relays you want in your scan
Here I am intentionally NOT scanning 50 million tor circuits using the entire consensus.
Instead I am using a simple python program written using the Stem library to parse the consensus file
and give us all the realys with the Stable and Fast flags; among those we choose the top 100 in terms of
consensus bandwidth.
./helpers/ 2017-09-21-23-00-00-consensus > top100.relays
5. perform scan of top 100 relays --tor-control tcp: --log-dir ./ --status-log ./status_log \
--relay-list top100.relays --secret secretTorEmpireOfRelays --partitions 1 --this-partition 0 \
--build-duration .25 --circuit-timeout 60 --log-chunk-size 1000 --max-concurrency 100
9,900 two hop tor circuits are being built.
As the scan runs you can tail -f the status_log to make sure its working.
Only circuit build failures if any will be logged in the json log file.
When the scan completes the status_log should display something like this:
2017-09-22T00:05:44+0000 [-] $BD4C647508162F59CB44E4DFC1C2B2B8A9387CCA -> $DD808ECE4F2E24F377CBE11E335ECDA196FE3B78
2017-09-22T00:05:44+0000 [-] $0966A24977A0B0DB62546C6F18F9578D97FE86F0 -> $AD00FB62A133F91009AD5F6503E5F21F594BC4C6
2017-09-22T00:05:50+0000 [orscanner#info] Finished writing measurement values to ./2017-09-22T00:05:50.492698-scan.json.
2017-09-22T00:05:50+0000 [-] Main loop terminated.
6. Load circuit build failures into sqlite db file
./bin/ --dbfile scan1.db -p 2017-09-22T00:03:31.610096-scan.json \
-p 2017-09-22T00:05:42.886622-scan.json \
-p 2017-09-22T00:05:50.492698-scan.json
7. Count the results
echo "select first_hop, second_hop from scan_log;" | sqlite3 scan1.db | wc -l
8. Attempt to eliminate false positives by retesting the failed circuits
mkdir scan1
mv *.json scan1
echo "select first_hop, second_hop from scan_log;" | sqlite3 scan1.db > scan2.circuits --tor-control tcp: --log-dir ./ --status-log ./status_log \
--relay-list relays_for_scan1 --build-duration .25 --circuit-timeout 60 --log-chunk-size 1000 \
--max-concurrency 100 --circuit-file scan2.circuits
./bin/ --dbfile scan2.db -p 2017-09-22T00:59:31.017246-scan.json -p 2017-09-22T01:04:35.491908-scan.json
echo "select first_hop, second_hop from scan_log;" | sqlite3 scan2.db | wc -l
still 1947 circuit build failures!
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