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Last active November 13, 2017 05:06
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use Ansible to configure a Tails system as a Tahoe-LAFS onion grid client
step 1:
get the latest stable python virtualenv and cryptographically verify it.
save it to: ~/Persistent/virtualenv-x.xx.x/
step 2:
create a virtual env to run ansible:
Persistent/virtualenv-x.xx.x/ --system-site-packages Persistent/virtenv-ansible
New python executable in Persistent/virtenv-ansible/bin/python
Installing setuptools, pip...done.
step 3:
activate the virtual env and install ansible and dependencies:
. ~/Persistent/virtenv-ansible/bin/activate
sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev
pip install ecdsa markupsafe paramiko PyYAML Jinja2 httplib2
pip install ansible
step 4:
setup the ansible configs and directory hierarchy:
mkdir -p ~/Persistent/ansible-base/roles
cd Persistent/ansible-base
echo 'localhost' > host-inventory
step 5:
use my Tahoe-LAFS Tails playbook to configure your Tails system:
cd /home/amnesia/Persistent/ansible-base/roles
git clone
cd ansible-tahoe-lafs
git checkout tails
cp playbook-examples/tails_oniongrid_client.yml /home/amnesia/Persistent/ansible-base/
cd ~/Persistent/ansible-base
ansible-playbook -i host-inventory tails_oniongrid_client.yml --ask-sudo-pass
step 6:
check the Tahoe-LAFS grid status local web page:
This web ui should soon indicate that your local Tahoe-LAFS client is connected to the
onion grid introducer node. A few seconds later it should gradually connect all of the storage nodes
that it can connect to.
step 7:
create tahoe root capability alias and upload a file to the onion grid:
~/Persistent/tahoe-base/tahoe-lafs-src/bin/tahoe create-alias tahoe
cd ~
echo 'hello onion grid' > onionhello
~/Persistent/tahoe-base/tahoe-lafs-src/bin/tahoe create-alias tahoe
This last command should have printed out a Tahoe-LAFS read capability URI that looks like this:
step 8:
retreive file via web tahoe web ui:
If you go back to the Tails web browser... we have our Tahoe status page open.
You can enter this tahoe URI from the previous command into the "Open Tahoe-URI:"
form field and submit it. This should redirect the browser to a URL that looks like this:
Your browser should now be displaying the contents of the file.
step 9:
reboot tails, start tahoe and retreive file again
usewithtor ~/Persistent/tahoe-base/tahoe-lafs-src/bin/tahoe start
check status page to see when the tahoe client is connected to the introducer storage nodes
retrieve file via local tahoe web ui:
step 10:
reboot tails and run the ansible playbook again
. ~/Persistent/virtenv-ansible/bin/activate
cd ~/Persistent/ansible-base
ansible-playbook -i host-inventory tails_oniongrid_client.yml --ask-sudo-pass
Tahoe-LAFS should have been started by ansible...
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