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Created July 16, 2015 15:26
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  • Save davidamichelson/857733cac083c270013b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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xquery version "1.0";
declare namespace tei="";
let $langs := ("syr", "syr-Syrn", "syr-Syrj", "en", "en-x-gedsh")
let $doc := fn:doc("13.xml")
for $person in $doc//tei:person
let $uri := $doc//tei:person//tei:idno/text()
for $name in $person/tei:persName
let $names := $name//text()[. = normalize-space(.)]
let $lang :=$name/@xml:lang/string()
where $name/@xml:lang = $langs
<names>{fn:string-join($names, ",")}</names>
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If there is a Syriac name, then export the following:
All Syriac names with language tags (and join name parts)
All English names with language tags (note need to normalize space and join name parts)
The URI for the person

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