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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<TEI xmlns="">
<title>DIV 6793 Digital Version of the Chronicle of Edessa</title>
<resp>data entry, conversion to TEI-conformant markup, proof correction</resp>
<name>Yuh-Fen Benda</name>
<name>Anna Kelly</name>
<name>Ben Logan</name>
<name>Taryn Marashi</name>
<name>David Michelson</name>
<name>Tracy Miller</name>
<name>Jessie Pagan</name>
<name>Michelle Taylor</name>
<name>Sunflower Smith</name>
<sponsor>Vanderbilt University</sponsor>
<authority>Vanderbilt University DIV 6793 Class</authority>
<pubPlace>Nashville, TN, USA</pubPlace>
<date>Spring 2019</date>
<p>This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
License and may be freely reused with attribution.</p>
<title level="a"/>
<title level="j">The Journal of Sacred Literature and Biblical Record</title>
<editor>B. Harris Cowper</editor>
<publisher>Williams and Norgate</publisher>
<citedRange unit="page" from="28" to="45">pp. 28-45</citedRange>
<p> This project endeavors to create a digital, TEI-conformant version of the Chronicle
of Edessa. </p>
<div type="section" n="1">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 1</head>
<p xml:lang="en">1. In the year <date when="0180-01-01">180</date> kings began to rule
in <placeName ref="">Edessa</placeName>.</p>
<div type="section" n="6">
<p>The year <date when="0465-01-01">465</date>, in the month Tammuz, on the eleventh day
(July 11th, 154 A.D.), <persName>Bardesanes</persName> was born.</p>
<!-- address two dating systems within line-->
<div type="section" n="7">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 7</head>
<p xml:lang="en"/>
<p><!--Lucius Caesar-->, with his brother, subjugated the Parthians to the Romans in the fifth year of his reign.
<div type="section" n="8">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 8</head>
<p xml:lang="en"/>
<p>In the year The year <date when="0513-01-01">513</date>, in the reign of <!--Severus-->, and in the reign of <!--Abgar--> the king, son of <!--Maano -->the king, in the month Tishrin the latter (<hi rend="italic">i. e.</hi>, November), the fountain of water which proceeds from the great palace of Abgar the great king increased, and it prevailed, and it went up according to its former manner, and overflowed and ran out on all sides, so that the courts and the porches and the royal houses began to be filled with water. And when our lord <!--Abgar -->the king saw it, he went up to the level ground on the hill above his palace, where dwell and reside those who do the work for the government. And while the wise men considered what to do to the waters which had so greatly increased, it happened that there was a great and violent rain in the night, and the Daisan (river) came, neither in its day, nor in its month. And strange waters came; and they encountered the <hi rend="italic">cataracts</hi> (? flood gates) which were fastened with great pieces of iron which were overlaid upon them, and with bars of iron which supported them. But not prevailing against them, the waters rose like a great sea beyond the walls of the city. And the waters began to come down from the apertures of the wall
into the city. And Abgar the king stood on the great tower which was called that of the Persians, and saw the water by the light of torches, and he commanded, and they took away the gates and the eight <hi rend="italic">cataracts </hi>(? flood-gates) of the western wall of the city where the river flowed out. But that very hour the waters broke down the western wall of the city, and entered the city, and overthrew the great and beautiful palace of our lord the king, and they carried away everything that was found before them, the desirable and beautiful edifices of the city, whatever was near the river on the south and on the north of it. And they destroyed the temple of the church of the Christians. And there were killed by that occurrence more than two thousand men, upon many of whom as they slept in the night the waters came suddenly, and they were drowned, and the city was filled with the sound of lamentation.</p>
And when<!-- Abgar--> the king saw this destruction which had befallen, he commanded that all the craftsmen of the city should remove their cottages (or huts) from near the river, and that no man should build near the river any cottage. And by the wisdom of measurers and men of skill the cottages were placed so that the breadth of the river might be increased, and they added to its former measure. For if the waters were many and strong, the width of the river was too small to receive the water of twenty-five brooks with what they gathered from all sides. And <!--Abgar--> the king commanded that all who lived in the porch, and were occupied over against the river, from Tishrin the former to Nisan (October to April), should not lodge in their cottages, except the islanders (Gazireans) who kept the city, five of whom should lodge on the wall above the place where the waters entered the city all the time of winter, and when they perceived by night and heard the sound of strange waters, which began to enter the city, and whoever heard the sound and neglected it, and did not publish it, behold the waters should drown the contempt of him that despised the command of the king. And this commandment was decreed from this time wherein it was so to the end of the world.
Our lord <!--Abgar--> the king commanded, and there was built for him a building for his royal house----a winter house at<!-- Tabara--> ----and there he dwelt all the time of winter; and in summer he came down to the new palace which was built for him at the fountain head. And his nobles also built for themselves buildings to live in, in the neighbourhood in which the king was, in the high street (?) which is called <!--Beth Saharoye-->. And in order to restore the welfare of the former city, <!--Abgar -->the king commanded, and the tributes due from those within, and from those who dwelt in towns, and in hamlets, were remitted: and tribute was not demanded from them for five years, until the city was enriched with men, and was crowned with buildings.
Now <!--Mar Yahab Bar Shemesh-->, and <!--Kajuma Bar Magartat-->, the scribes of <!--Edessa-->, recorded this event, and the command of <!--Abgar -->the king: and <!--Bar Din and Bulid-->, who are prefects over the archives of <!--Edessa-->, received and deposited it within them as trusted of the city (i.e., archivists.)
<note place="end" xml:id="note8" n="8"><p xml:lang="en" rend="footnote text"><!-- need text of note(s) --></p></note>
<div type="section" n="9">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 9</head>
<p xml:lang="en"/>
<p>The year <date when="0614-01-01">614</date>, were broken down the walls of <placeName
ref="">Edessa</placeName> the second time in the days
of <!--Diocletian -->the king.</p>
<div type="section" n="10">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 10</head>
<p xml:lang="en">The year <date when="0551-01-01">551</date>
<persName>Manes</persName> was born.</p>
<div type="section" n="11">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 11</head>
<p xml:lang="en">The year <date when="0614-01-01">614</date>, were broken down the walls
of <placeName ref="">Edessa</placeName> the second time in
the days of <persName>Diocletian the king</persName>.</p>
<div type="section" n="12">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 12</head>
<p xml:lang="en"> In the year <date when="0624-01-01">624</date>, <!--Conon--> the bishop
laid the foundations of the Church of <placeName ref=""
>Edessa</placeName>; and <!--Sha'ad-->, the bishop who came after him, built and finished
the structure.</p>
<div type="section" n="13">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 13</head>
<p xml:lang="en"> In the year <date when="0635-01-01">635</date>, the cemetery of
<placeName ref="">Edessa</placeName> was built, in the
days of <!--Ethalaha--> the bishop, the year before the great synod of <placeName
ref="">Nicea</placeName> was held.</p>
<div type="section" n="14">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 14</head>
<p xml:lang="en"> The year <date when="0635-01-01">635</date>, <!--Ethalaha--> became bishop
in <placeName ref="">Edessa</placeName>; and he
constructed the cemetery, and the eastern side 6 of the church</p>
<div type="section" n="15">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 15</head>
<p xml:lang="en"> And the year after, a synod of three hundred and eighteen bishops
was assembled at <placeName ref=""
<div type="section" n="16">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 16</head>
<p xml:lang="en"> The year <date when="0639-01-01">639</date>, there was building and
enlargement in the church of <placeName ref=""
<div type="section" n="17">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 17</head>
<p xml:lang="en"> In the year <date when="0649-01-01">649</date>, died <!--Mar Jacob-->,
bishop of <placeName ref="">Nisibis</placeName>
<div type="section" n="17">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 17</head>
<p xml:lang="en">17. In the year <date when="0649-01-01">649</date>, died <persName>Mar
Jacob</persName>, bishop of <placeName ref=""
<div type="section" n="18">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 18</head>
<p xml:lang="en">18. The year <date when="0657-01-01">657</date>,
<persName>Abraham</persName> became bishop in <placeName
ref="">Edessa</placeName>, and he built <placeName>the
house (or church) of the Confessors</placeName>.</p>
<div type="section" n="19">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 19</head>
<p xml:lang="en">19. The year <date when="0660-01-01">660</date>,
<persName>Constantius</persName>, the son of <persName>Constantine</persName>,
built the city of <placeName ref="">Amida</placeName>.</p>
<div type="section" n="20">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 20</head>
<p xml:lang="en">20. And in the year <date when="0661-01-01">661</date>,
<persName>Constantius</persName> built <placeName
ref=""> Tela</placeName> a city which was called
<placeName ref="">Antipolis</placeName>.</p>
<div type="section" n="21">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 21</head>
<p xml:lang="en">21. The year <date when="0667-01-01">667</date>, <persName>Abraham of
<placeName>Chidon</placeName></persName>, a recluse, became (bishop).</p>
<div type="section" n="22">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 22</head>
<p xml:lang="en">22. In the year <date when="0670-01-01">670</date>,
<persName>Nicomedia</persName> was overthrown.</p>
<div type="section" n="23">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 23</head>
<p xml:lang="en">23. In the year <date when="0672-01-01">672</date>, <persName>Mar
Abraham</persName>, bishop of <placeName ref=""
>Edessa</placeName>, left the world.</p>
<div type="section" n="24">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 24</head>
<p xml:lang="en"/>
<p>And in the same year, <persName ref="
>Vologesh, bishop of <placeName ref=""
>Nisibis</placeName></persName>, departed from this world.</p>
<div type="section" n="25">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 25</head>
<p xml:lang="en"/>
<p>And in the same year came <persName ref="">Barses, the
bishop from <placeName ref="">Haran</placeName> to
<placeName ref="">Edessa</placeName></persName> by
command of the king (<hi rend="italic">i. e.</hi>, the <persName>emperor
Constantius</persName>, then in that region).</p>
<div type="section" n="26">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 26</head>
<p xml:lang="en"/>
<p>And in the year <date when="0674-06-01">674</date>, in the month Haziran (June),
<persName ref="
went down and made war with the Persians, and died there.</p>
<div type="section" n="27">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 27</head>
<p xml:lang="en"/>
<p>In the year <date when="0675-02-01">675</date>, in the month Shebat (February),
<persName ref="">Valentinian the Great</persName>
became king, and <persName ref="">Valens</persName> his
<div type="section" n="28">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 28</head>
<p xml:lang="en"/>
<p>In the year <date when="0678-01-01">678</date>, <persName
ref="">Mar Julian Saba</persName> departed from the
<div type="section" n="29">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 29</head>
<p xml:lang="en"/>
<p>The year <date when="0681-01-01">681</date>, was built the great <hi rend="italic"
>Beth-ma'amuditho</hi> (House of Baptizing) of <placeName
<div type="section" n="30">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 30</head>
<p xml:lang="en"/>
<p>In the year <date when="0684-06-09">684</date>, in the month Haziran (June), on the
ninth in it, departed from the world <persName ref="">Mar
Ephraim</persName> &quot;of his wisdoms&quot; (= the wise).</p>
<div type="section" n="31">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 31</head>
<p xml:lang="en"/>
<p>And in the month Elul (September) of that <date when="0684-09-01">year</date>, the
people departed from the church of <placeName ref=""
>Edessa</placeName>, through the persecution of the Arians.</p>
<div type="section" n="32">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 32</head>
<p xml:lang="en"/>
<p>In the year <date when="0689-01-01">689</date>, in the month Adar, <persName
ref="">Mar Barses, bishop of <placeName
ref="">Edessa</placeName></persName>, departed from
the world.</p>
<div type="section" n="33">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 33</head>
<p xml:lang="en"/>
<p>And on the twenty-seventh day in the mouth
<!-- Mouth is a mistake in transcription; figure out how to mark possible correct word, i.e. month-->
Canun the former (December), of the same <date when="0689-12-27">year</date>, the
orthodox came in and recovered the church of <placeName
<div type="section" n="34">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 34</head>
<p xml:lang="en"/>
<p>And in those days <persName ref="">Mar
Eulogius</persName> became bishop in the year that <persName
ref="">Theodosius the Great</persName> became king;
and that <persName ref="">Mar Eulogius</persName> built
the house of <persName ref="">Mar Daniel</persName>,
which was called the house of <persName>Mar <hi rend="italic"
<div type="section" n="35">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 35</head>
<p xml:lang="en"/>
<p>The year <date when="0692-01-01">692</date>, <persName
ref="">Theodosius the Great</persName> built in
<placeName ref="">Osrhoene</placeName> the city
<placeName ref="">Resaina</placeName>.</p>
<div type="section" n="36">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 36</head>
<p xml:lang="en"/>
<p>The year <date when="0693-01-01">693</date>, was gathered the synod of one hundred
and fifty bishops in <placeName ref=""
<div type="section" n="37">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 37</head>
<p xml:lang="en"/>
<p>In the year <date when="0698-01-01">698</date>, <persName
ref="">Mar Eulogius the bishop</persName> departed
from the world on the <!--Friday--> of the crucifixion.</p>
<div type="section" n="38">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 38</head>
<p xml:lang="en"/>
<p>The year <date when="0705-08-22">705</date>, in the month Ab (August), on the
twenty-second day in it, they brought the <hi rend="italic">glossocom</hi> (<hi
rend="italic">i.e.</hi>, coffin) of <persName ref=""
>Mar Thomas the Apostle</persName> to his great temple in the days of <persName
ref="">Mar Cyrus the bishop</persName>.</p>
<div type="section" n="39">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 39</head>
<p xml:lang="en"> 39. In the year <date when="0706-01-01">706</date>, and on the <!--seventeenth of Canun--> the latter
(January), departed from the world <persName>Theodosius the great king</persName>; and on the
<!--twenty-seventh in Nisan (April)-->, <persName>Arcadius</persName> entered <placeName ref="">Constantinople</placeName>; and on the eighth
in <!--Tishrin the latter (November)-->, the body of <persName>Theodosius</persName> entered <placeName ref="">Constantinople</placeName>.</p>
<div type="section" n="40">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 40</head>
<p xml:lang="en"> 40. And in the month of <!--Tammuz (July) of the same year,--> the Huns
crossed over to the territory of the Romans.</p>
<div type="section" n="41">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 41</head>
<p xml:lang="en">41. In the year <date when="0707-01-01">707</date>, in the month <!--Tammuz (July), -->on its twenty-second,
departed from the world <persName>Mar Cyrus, bishop of <placeName ref="">Edessa</placeName></persName>.</p>
<div type="section" n="42">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 42</head>
<p xml:lang="en"> 42. And in the year <date when="0708-01-01">708</date> <persName>Mar Silvanus</persName> became bishop of <placeName ref="">Edessa</placeName>.</p>
<div type="section" n="43">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 43</head>
<p xml:lang="en">43. In the year <date when="0710-01-01">710</date>, on the <!--seventeenth of Tishrin the former
(October),--> <persName>Mar Silvanus, bishop of Edessa,</persName> departed from the world.</p>
<div type="section" n="44">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 44</head>
<p xml:lang="en">44. And on the <!--twenty-third of the month Tishrin -->the latter (November)
of that year, <persName>Mar Pakida</persName> became bishop in <placeName ref="">Edessa</placeName>.</p>
<div type="section" n="45">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 45</head>
<p xml:lang="en"> 45. And in that year arose <persName>Johanan Chrysostomos</persName>, bishop in
<placeName ref="">Constantinople</placeName>.</p>
<div type="section" n="46">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 46</head>
<p xml:lang="en">46. The year <date when="0714-01-01">714</date> began <persName>Theodorus, bishop of <placeName>Mompsesta</placeName></persName>, to expound the
<div type="section" n="47">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 47</head>
<p xml:lang="en">47. The year <date when="0715-01-01">715</date>, <persName>'Absamia Kashisha (presbyter)</persName>, son of the sister of
the blessed <persName>Mar Ephraim</persName>, composed madroshé (poems?) and discourses upon the coming of
the Huns to the territory of the Romans.</p>
<div type="section" n="48">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 48</head>
<p xml:lang="en">48. The year <date when="0720-01-01">720</date>, <persName>Mar Diogenes</persName> became bishop in <placeName ref="">Edessa</placeName>, and he began to
build the house of Mar Barlaha.</p>
<div type="section" n="49">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 49</head>
<p xml:lang="en">49. And in that year, in the neomenia of Ab (August), <persName>Mar Pakida,
bishop of <placeName ref="">Edessa</placeName></persName>, departed from the world.</p>
<div type="section" n="50">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 50</head>
<p xml:lang="en">50. The year <date when="0721-01-01">721</date>, <persName>Cyrillus</persName> became bishop in <placeName ref="">Alexandria</placeName> the great.</p>
<div type="section" n="51">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 51</head>
<p xml:lang="en">51. The year <date when="0723-01-01">723</date>, <persName>Rabula</persName> became bishop in <placeName ref="">Edessa</placeName>. And he built the
house of <persName>Mar Stephanus</persName>, which had been formerly a house of Sabbath (synagogue) of the
Jews. Now he built it by command of the king.</p>
<div type="section" n="52">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 52</head>
<p xml:lang="en">52. The year <date when="0724-01-01">724</date>, the walls of <placeName ref="">Edessa</placeName> were again broken down by water
the third time, in the days of <persName>Honorius</persName> and <persName>Arcadius</persName> the victorious kings.</p>
<div type="section" n="53">
<head type="editorial" subtype="chronological">Chron. § 53</head>
<p xml:lang="en">53. The year <date when="0732-01-01">732</date>, <persName>Eutychius</persName> the monk arose, who rejected the
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