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Last active April 27, 2020 18:33
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  1. Better usage docs/examples. The invocation context is accessible through the INVOCATION_CTX task-local which should be documented in examples and documenation. Note that due to limitations in Tokio's task local implementation, subtasks of the invocation task (which is what we run for customers) can't access this task-local. This is a tempoary limitation.
  2. Use tracing for internal logging/instrumentation. Each interaction with the Runtime APIs should be a debug_span! and spawning a new task should a debug_span!. davidbarky@ should handle this.
  3. Slightly refactor the simulated endpoint logic to be driven by an Rng rather than a hard-coded UUID.
    1. We should add an init_failure simulated endpoint and propogate tasks out.
    2. The path routing logic can be cleaned up a bit more by using recently-stabilized Rust features.
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