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Created September 15, 2023 07:21
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Add ESLint and Prettier to an existing Angular project


if you save a file in your project, the IDE should "autoformat" the file following a given ruleset (ESLint and Prettier configurations).

Example of adding semicolons on save:

Example using ESLint and Prettier


  1. Install eslint package to your project:

    ng add @angular-eslint/schematics
  2. Add the fix command to your project's package.json scripts area:

    "scripts": {
       // ...other commands
       "lint:fix": "ng lint --fix"
       // ...other commands
  3. Install Prettier package to your project to get a source code formatter:

    npm install prettier --save-dev
  4. create .prettierrc.json file into your project's root folder with the following configuration:

       "tabWidth": 2,
       "useTabs": false,
       "singleQuote": true,
       "semi": true,
       "bracketSpacing": true,
       "arrowParens": "avoid",
       "trailingComma": "es5",
       "bracketSameLine": true,
       "printWidth": 80,
       "endOfLine": "auto"
  5. create .prettierignore into your project's root folder:

    # See for more about ignoring files.
    # Compiled output
    # Node
    # IDEs and editors
    # Visual Studio Code
    # Miscellaneous
    # System files
  6. Install packages to connect ESLint and Prettier in your project:

    npm install prettier-eslint eslint-config-prettier eslint-plugin-prettier --save-dev
  7. Add the Prettier format command into your project's package.json file:

    "scripts": {
       // ...other commands
       "prettier": "npx prettier --write ."
       // ...other commands
  8. Update .eslintrc.json file to use Prettier with ESLint:

       "files": ["*.html"],
       "extends": [
       "rules": {}


    "files": ["*.ts"],
    "extends": [
  9. Activate formatting files on save feature in your IDE. All popular IDEs have the capability to run prettier if you save a file. Google "format on save" to your IDE to get the proper settings you need.

    For IntelliJ IDE:

    1. go to the Settings menu
    2. search "Prettier"
    3. select "Languages and frameworks" -> "Javascript" -> "Prettier"
    4. choose "Automatic Prettier configuration"
    5. check "Run on save" checkbox
    6. click on Apply button
    7. close settings, Prettier is ready
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