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Forked from fabiopiovam/
Created February 20, 2019 07:06
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Django deploy using Nginx + Gunicorn + Supervisor

Django deploy using Nginx + Gunicorn + Supervisor


This implementation was made using Debian 8.


  • Install packages:

    aptitude install nginx supervisor

General Configurations:

  • A. First, make the clone of your project in some area of preference on your server:

     cd /store/projects/
     git clone my-site.git
  • B. Create virtualenv

  • C. Install Gunicorn into venv of project:

    (venv)$ pip install gunicorn

Got to NGINX

  1. Access the sites-available of nginx

    cd /etc/nginx/sites-available/
  2. Create a file of project

    vim mydomain.localhost
  3. With content (Attention: Check that the chosen port is already in use (eg use command sudo netstat -tlpn | grep 800)):

     upstream MY_DOMAIN_ALIAS_NAME {
  4. Create symbolic link of this file:

    sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/mydomain.localhost /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
  5. Create a nginx configuration file (if it already exists, you just add the contents of step 6):

    sudo vim /etc/nginx/conf.d/vhost_autogen.conf
  6. Inside this file vhost_autogen.conf we will add a "block" for the appointment of the service:

     server {
       listen                *:80;
       listen 443 ssl;
       server_name ; 
       access_log            /var/log/nginx/MEU_DOMINIO.access.log;
       error_log             /var/log/nginx/MEU_DOMINIO.error.log;
       location /static/ {
         alias /path/to/static/of/project/django/;
       location /media/ {
         alias /path/to/media/of/project/django/;
       location / {
         proxy_pass            http://MY_DOMAIN_ALIAS_NAME;
         proxy_read_timeout    90;
         proxy_connect_timeout 90;
         proxy_redirect        off;
  7. Once this is done, go to the /etc/hosts file and add a line:

    sudo vim /etc/hosts

    With content:


Supervisor configuration

  1. Create a supervisor configuration file:

    sudo vim /etc/supervisor/conf.d/mysite.conf  (Warning: Please note the .conf extension)
  2. With content:

     command=/PATH/TO/VIRTUALENV/bin/gunicorn [PROJECTNAME].wsgi:application -b -w 3 --timeout 600 --access-logfile /tmp/gunicorn.access-MYDOMAIN.log --error-logfile /tmp/gunicorn.error-MYDOMAIN.log
  3. All right! Now we will launch the following commands to start the settings previously made:

     sudo supervisorctl reread
     sudo supervisorctl update
     sudo supervisorctl start MYPROJECTALIASSUPERVISOR
  4. Lastly:

    sudo service nginx restart
  5. You can test the access via browser, in case of error 500 you have the log files:




Thanks for the tutorial:

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