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Last active January 29, 2021 01:01
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Scala Future utilities to process elements asynchronous one after another
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
object FutureUtils {
* Process elements asynchronous one after another.
* Equivalent to `Future.sequence(`
* but doing the processing sequentially instead of in parallel
def mapAsyncSequentially[TInput, TResult](elements: Iterable[TInput])
(mapFunction: TInput => Future[TResult])
(implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext) : Future[Seq[TResult]] = {
val initial: Future[Seq[TResult]] = Future.successful(Seq())
.foldLeft(initial) { (previousFuture, element) =>
previousFuture.flatMap { results =>
// when the previous Future is completed I run the next one
mapFunction(element).map(results :+ _)
import org.scalatest.funspec.AsyncFunSpec
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
import scala.concurrent.Future
class FutureUtilsSpec extends AsyncFunSpec with Matchers {
describe("mapAsyncSequentially") {
it("should be equivalent to Future.sequence") {
val elements = Seq(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
FutureUtils.mapAsyncSequentially(elements) { element =>
Future(element * 10)
}.map { results =>
results should be ( * 10))
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