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Created July 21, 2017 10:42
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Sky temperature
def load_T_sky():
Read the Haslam sky temperature map into a list from which temperatures can
be retrieved. The temperature sky map is given in the weird units of
HealPix, and despite looking up info on this coordinate system, I don't
have the foggiest idea of how to transform these to galactic coordinates. I
have therefore directly copied the following code from psrpoppy in the
assumption Sam Bates managed to figure it out.
t_sky_list (list): List of sky temperatures in HealPix? coordinates?
model = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../data/models/tsky/')
path = os.path.join(model, 'haslam_2014.dat')
t_sky_list = []
with open(path) as f:
for line in f:
str_idx = 0
while str_idx < len(line):
# each temperature occupies space of 5 chars
temp_string = line[str_idx:str_idx+5]
str_idx += 5
return t_sky_list
def calc_T_sky(self, src):
Calculate the sky temperature from the Haslam table, before scaling to
the survey frequency. The temperature sky map is given in the weird
units of HealPix and despite looking up info on this coordinate system,
I don't have the foggiest idea of how to transform these to galactic
coordinates. I have therefore directly copied the following code from
psrpoppy in the assumption Sam Bates managed to figure it out.
src (class): Needed for coordinates
src.T_sky (float): Sky temperature [K]
# ensure l is in range 0 -> 360
B =
if < 0.:
L = 360 +
L =
# convert from l and b to list indices
j = B + 90.5
if j > 179:
j = 179
nl = L - 0.5
if L < 0.5:
nl = 359
i = float(nl) / 4.
T_sky_haslam = self.T_sky_list[180*int(i) + int(j)]
# scale temperature
# Assuming dominated by syncrotron radiation
T_sky = T_sky_haslam * (self.central_freq/408.0)**(-2.6)
src.T_sky = T_sky
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