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Created July 18, 2023 14:39
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* Yii Application Config
* Edit this file at your own risk!
* The array returned by this file will get merged with
* vendor/craftcms/cms/src/config/app.php and app.[web|console].php, when
* Craft's bootstrap script is defining the configuration for the entire
* application.
* You can define custom modules and system components, and even override the
* built-in system components.
* If you want to modify the application config for *only* web requests or
* *only* console requests, create an app.web.php or app.console.php file in
* your config/ folder, alongside this one.
use craft\helpers\App;
return [
'*' => [
'id' => App::env('CRAFT_APP_ID') ?: 'CraftCMS',
'modules' => [
'site-module' => [
'class' => \modules\sitemodule\SiteModule::class,
'bootstrap' => ['site-module'],
'components' => [
'db' => function () {
$config = craft\helpers\App::dbConfig();
$config['enableSchemaCache'] = true;
$config['schemaCacheDuration'] = 60 * 60 * 24; // 1 day
return Craft::createObject($config);
'deprecator' => [
'throwExceptions' => App::env('HARD_MODE') ?: false,
'queue' => [
'class' => craft\queue\Queue::class,
'ttr' => 10 * 60,
'redis' => [
'class' => yii\redis\Connection::class,
'hostname' => App::env('REDIS_HOSTNAME'),
'port' => App::env('REDIS_PORT'),
'database' => App::env('REDIS_DEFAULT_DB'),
'cache' => [
'class' => yii\redis\Cache::class,
'keyPrefix' => '_' . App::env('CRAFT_APP_ID') . '_CACHE_' ?: 'CraftCMS_CACHE_',
'defaultDuration' => 86400,
'redis' => 'redis',
'mutex' => static function() {
$config = [
'class' => craft\mutex\Mutex::class,
'mutex' => [
'class' => yii\redis\Mutex::class,
// set the max duration to 15 minutes for console requests
'expire' => Craft::$app->request->isConsoleRequest ? 900 : 30,
'redis' => [
'hostname' => App::env('REDIS_HOSTNAME') ?: 'localhost',
'port' => App::env('REDIS_PORT'),
'password' => App::env('REDIS_PASSWORD') ?: null,
'database' => App::env('REDIS_DEFAULT_DB'),
// Return the initialized component:
return Craft::createObject($config);
'production' => [],
'staging' => [],
'dev' => [],
* Yii Web Application Config
* Edit this file at your own risk!
* The array returned by this file will get merged with
* vendor/craftcms/cms/src/config/app.php and app.[web|console].php, when
* Craft's bootstrap script is defining the configuration for the entire
* application.
* You can define custom modules and system components, and even override the
* built-in system components.
* This application config is applied only for *only* web requests
use craft\helpers\App;
return [
'components' => [
'session' => static function () {
// Get the default component config
$config = App::sessionConfig();
// Override the class to use Redis' session class and our config settings
$config['class'] = yii\redis\Session::class;
$config['keyPrefix'] = '_' . App::env('CRAFT_APP_ID') . '_SESSION_' ?: 'CraftCMS_SESSION_';
$config['redis'] = [
'hostname' => App::env('REDIS_HOSTNAME'),
'port' => App::env('REDIS_PORT'),
'database' => App::env('REDIS_CRAFT_DB'),
// Instantiate and return it
return Craft::createObject($config);
* General Configuration
* All of your system's general configuration settings go in here. You can see a
* list of the available settings in vendor/craftcms/cms/src/config/GeneralConfig.php.
* @see \craft\config\GeneralConfig
use craft\helpers\App;
return [
'craftEnv' => App::env('CRAFT_ENVIRONMENT') ?: 'dev',
'localDevPerformance' => (bool)App::env('LOCAL_DEV_PERFORMANCE') ?: null,
'dominantColor' => '#efebea',
use craft\config\GeneralConfig;
use craft\helpers\App;
$isDev = App::env('CRAFT_ENVIRONMENT') === 'dev';
$isProd = App::env('CRAFT_ENVIRONMENT') === 'production';
$config = GeneralConfig::create()
'subLeft' => true,
'subRight' => true,
->testToEmailAddress(App::env('TEST_MAIL') ?: null)
->resourceBasePath(App::env('WEB_ROOT_PATH') . '/cpresources')
'@assetsUrl' => App::env('ASSETS_URL'),
'@web' => App::env('SITE_URL'),
'@webroot' => App::env('WEB_ROOT_PATH'),
->allowedFileExtensions(['jpg', 'png', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'svg', 'mp4', 'wov', 'mp3', 'wav', 'pdf', 'zip', 'csv', 'rar'])
if ($isProd) {
'dumper', 'elements-panel', 'blitz-recommendations', 'cp-field-inspect'
if (!$isProd) {
return $config;
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