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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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Spray multimap for form fields and parameters
type MultiMap = Map[String, List[String]]
def formFieldMultiMap: Directive1[MultiMap] = {
requestInstance.flatMap[MultiMap :: HNil] { request =>
import spray.httpx.unmarshalling._
val result: Deserialized[MultiMap] =[HttpForm].right.flatMap {
case FormData(fields) =>
val collected = fields.groupBy { case (k, _) => k }
val valuesOnly = collected.mapValues( { case (_, v) => v } toList)
case _ =>
Left(MalformedContent(s"Unable to construct form multi map"))
result match {
case Right(value) ⇒ provide(value)
case Left(ContentExpected) ⇒ reject(MissingFormFieldRejection("form"))
case Left(MalformedContent(msg, cause)) ⇒ reject(MalformedFormFieldRejection("form", msg, cause))
case Left(UnsupportedContentType(msg)) ⇒ reject(UnsupportedRequestContentTypeRejection(msg))
def anyMultiMap: Directive1[MultiMap] =
for {
params <- parameterMultiMap
fields <- formFieldMultiMap
} yield fields.foldLeft(params) {
case (map, (fk, fv)) if map.contains(fk) =>
map.updated(fk, map(fk) ++ fv)
case (map, field) =>
map + field
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