confefe, pronounced con-feef, is a simple configuration language
confefe supports 8 different data types, plus comments:
- nil/null
- bool
- int
- decimal
- string
- date/time/datetime
- heterogeneous lists
- heterogeneous maps
- comments
confefe file extension is .cf
The top-level element of a confefe file must be either a list or a map.
Note: Indentation levels are significant in the representation of unbracketed maps and hyphenated/unbracketed lists.
Indentation style must be consistent across the entire configuration file, and must be one of the following:
- 2 spaces
- 4 spaces
- tabs
# comments are denoted with a leading hash symbol, followed by anything, followed by a newline
# nil/null may be supplied in place of any other value
# boolean values
# integer values have arbitrary precision
# decimal values are represented with either a leading or trailing dot/period
# decimals take one of three forms:
# 1. <int>.<int>
# 2. <int>.
# 3. .<int>
# Form (2) has an implied trailing zero. Form (3) has an implied leading zero.
1. # 1.0
.4 # 0.4
0.1 # 0.1
# strings are optionally double-quoted, but must be double-quoted when they would otherwise be interpreted as one of the other syntactic structures that confefe supports
# strings may span multiple lines, but must be double quoted if they do
foo bar baz
"hello world"
"this is
a multi-
line string"
# Datetimes are denoted in the style defined by RFC-3339, except that the "T" is replaced with "@".
# Dates may be specified in isolation by dropping everything to the right of the "@".
# Times may be specified in isolation by dropping everything to the left of the "@".
# lists are denoted in one of two ways: (1) hyphenated/unbracketed, or (2) bracketed
# unbracketed lists may not be used within bracketed lists or bracketed maps
# indentation within a bracketed list is not significant
# hyphenated/bracketed list:
- dog
- cat
- cow
- bird
# bracketed list:
# bracketed lists must delimit each element with a comma; a trailing comma is allowed
[dog, cat, cow, bird]
[dog, cat, cow, bird,] # trailing comma is allowed, but not mandatory
["dog", "cat", "cow", "bird"]
# maps are denoted in one of two ways: (1) unbracketed, or (2) bracketed
# unbracketed maps may not be used within bracketed lists or bracketed maps
# indentation within a bracketed map is not significant
# unbracketed map:
key1: value1
key2: value2
key3: value3
# bracketed map:
# bracketed maps must delimit each element with a comma; a trailing comma is allowed
key1: value1,
key2: value2,
key3: value3, # trailing comma is allowed, but not mandatory
# combinations of lists and maps:
# hyphenated list of unbracketed maps
- bob: 4 # first key/value pair may be on the same line as the hyphen; the remaining key/value pairs must be indented one level greater than the hyphen
joe: 6
roy: 1
- # first key-value pair may be on the line immediately following the hyphen, indented one level greater than the hyphen
eva: 6
jane: 1
amy: 7
# hyphenated list of bracketed maps
- {bob: 4, joe: 6, roy: 1}
- {
eva: 6,
jane: 1,
amy: 7
# bracketed list of unbracketed maps is not allowed
# bracketed list of bracketed maps
{ bob: 4, joe: 6, roy: 1 },
eva: 6,
jane: 1,
amy: 7
# unbracketed map of hyphenated lists
- bob
- joe
- roy
- eva
- jane
- amy
# unbracketed map of bracketed lists
boys: [bob, joe, roy]
girls: [
# bracketed map of hyphenated lists is not allowed
# bracketed map of bracketed lists
{boys: [bob, joe, roy],
girls: [eva,
# nested lists
# unbracketed list of unbracketed lists
- bob
- joe
- roy
- eva
- jane
- amy
# unbracketed list of bracketed lists
- [bob, joe, roy]
- [eva,
# bracketed list of unbracketed lists is not allowed
# bracketed list of bracketed lists
[ [bob, joe, roy],
[eva, jane, amy] ]
# nested maps
# unbracketed map of unbracketed maps
bob: 4
joe: 6
roy: 1
eva: 6
jane: 1
amy: 7
# unbracketed map of bracketed maps
boys: {
bob: 4,
joe: 6,
roy: 1
{eva: 6, jane: 1, amy: 7}
# bracketed map of unbracketed maps is not allowed
# bracketed map of bracketed maps
boys: {
bob: 4,
joe: 6,
roy: 1
girls: {eva: 6, jane: 1, amy: 7}