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Last active September 6, 2023 22:26
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  • Save davidlj95/bbe8659c2239b7fdf950914c5ac2a41c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save davidlj95/bbe8659c2239b7fdf950914c5ac2a41c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
GitHub repositories with GitHub Pages enabled
repos=$(gh repo list --limit 100 --json nameWithOwner | jq -r '.[].nameWithOwner')
echo "{"
for repo in $repos; do
has_pages="$(gh api repos/"$repo" --jq '.has_pages')"
echo " \"$repo\": $has_pages,"
if [ "$has_pages" = "true" ]; then
: $((count+=1))
echo "}"
>&2 echo "Repos with pages enabled: $count"
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Lists all repositories in your GitHub account that have GitHub Pages enabled. In an almost JSON style. Almost: the last element will have a comma cause got lazy to see how to avoid that last one.

Requires GitHub CLI (gh) to be properly configured.

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