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Created August 10, 2010 00:04
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#include <sys/epoll.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "chicken.h"
#define MAX_EVENTS 24
extern void SCM_epoll_wait_cb(C_word vec);
int _epoll_create(void) {
/* Returns an epfd */
return epoll_create(MAX_EVENTS);
int _epoll_ctl(int epfd, int op, int fd, int events) {
int res;
struct epoll_event event;
memset(&event, 0, sizeof(event)); = events; = fd;
if (-1 == (res = epoll_ctl(epfd, op, fd, &event))) {
return res;
void _epoll_wait(int epfd, int timeout) {
/* Wrapper around epoll_wait. It calls a scheme callback
* function with a vector of pairs */
struct epoll_event events[MAX_EVENTS];
int num_events, i;
C_word *vecp, *v0;
C_word *pairp;
num_events = epoll_wait(epfd, events, MAX_EVENTS, timeout);
vecp = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_VECTOR(num_events));
pairp = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_PAIR * num_events);
v0 = vecp;
*(vecp++) = num_events;
for (i = 0; i < num_events; ++i) {
*(vecp++) = C_pair(&pairp, C_fix(events[i].data.fd), C_fix(events[i].events));
/* Callback into Chicken with newly-created vector of pairs */
(declare (uses tcp))
;; required for make-hash-table (compiled vs. interpreted)
(require-extension srfi-69)
(foreign-declare #<<EOF
#include <sys/epoll.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
(define-foreign-variable _EPOLLIN int "EPOLLIN")
(define-foreign-variable _EPOLLPRI int "EPOLLPRI")
(define-foreign-variable _EPOLLOUT int "EPOLLOUT")
(define-foreign-variable _EPOLLERR int "EPOLLERR")
(define-foreign-variable _EPOLLHUP int "EPOLLHUP")
(define-foreign-variable _EPOLLRDHUP int "EPOLLRDHUP")
(define-foreign-variable _EPOLLONESHOT int "EPOLLONESHOT")
(define-foreign-variable _EPOLLET int "EPOLLET")
(define _READ _EPOLLIN)
(define _EPOLL_CTL_ADD 1)
(define _EPOLL_CTL_DEL 2)
(define _EPOLL_CTL_MOD 3)
(define ##epoll#epoll_create (foreign-lambda int "_epoll_create"))
(define ##epoll#epoll_ctl (foreign-lambda int "_epoll_ctl" int int int int))
;; use foreign-safe-lambda because this C function calls back into Chicken
(define ##epoll#epoll_wait (foreign-safe-lambda void "_epoll_wait" int int))
;; define this here because it's not exported by tcp.scm
(define setnonblock (foreign-lambda* bool ((int fd))
"int val = fcntl(fd, F_GETFL, 0);"
"if (val == -1) return(0);"
"return(fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, val | O_NONBLOCK) != -1);"))
(define ##net#accept (foreign-lambda int "accept" int c-pointer c-pointer))
(define ##net#write (foreign-lambda int "write" int c-string int))
(define ##net#read (foreign-lambda int "read" int scheme-pointer int))
;; tcp-listen is an abstraction from tcp.scm and sets up a
;; nonblocking server socket.
(define listener (tcp-listen 6666))
;; initialize epoll
(define epfd (##epoll#epoll_create))
;; hash tables for doing fd lookups -- these manage i/o buffers
(define fd-write-table (make-hash-table))
(define fd-read-table (make-hash-table))
(define (init-client fd)
;; set client's i/o buffers to empty strings
(hash-table-set! fd-write-table fd (make-string 0))
(hash-table-set! fd-read-table fd (make-string 0)))
(define (send-to-client fd str)
;; this function doesn't actually _send_ to the client. it appends
;; `str` to the client's write buffer until it's time to really
;; write on the socket (epoll tells us when to write)
(let ((buf (hash-table-ref fd-write-table fd)))
(hash-table-set! fd-write-table fd (string-append buf str))))
(define (accept-fd sfd)
(let ((fd (##net#accept sfd #f #f)))
(setnonblock fd)
(init-client fd)
(send-to-client fd "Simple Echo Server\n\n")
(##epoll#epoll_ctl epfd _EPOLL_CTL_ADD fd _WRITE)))
(define (fd-event-list-handler ls)
;; takes a list of (fd . events) pairs
(if (eq? ls '())
(let* ((pair (car ls))
(sfd (tcp-listener-fileno listener))
(fd (car pair)))
(if (eq? sfd fd)
(accept-fd sfd)
(cond ((= (bitwise-and (cdr pair) _WRITE) _WRITE)
;; epoll tells us to write to socket
(let ((buf (hash-table-ref fd-write-table fd)))
(##net#write fd buf (string-length buf)))
;; write prompt to client after sending buf
(##net#write fd "> " 2)
;; clear out write buffer
(hash-table-set! fd-write-table fd "")
;; update epoll to watch for a read event on this fd
(##epoll#epoll_ctl epfd _EPOLL_CTL_MOD fd _READ))
((= (bitwise-and (cdr pair) _READ) _READ)
;; epoll tells us to read from socket
(let ((buf (make-string 4096)))
(##net#read fd buf 4096)
;; splitting the buf on "\n" and taking its car just returns
;; the string up to that point, so append a "\n" to it and put
;; it in the client's write buffer.
(send-to-client fd (string-append
(car (string-split buf "\n")) "\n"))
;; update epoll to watch for a write event on this fd
(##epoll#epoll_ctl epfd _EPOLL_CTL_MOD fd _WRITE)))))
;; loop over rest of (fd . events) list of pairs
(fd-event-list-handler (cdr ls)))))
;; callback from epoll_wait
(define-external (SCM_epoll_wait_cb (scheme-object vec)) void
;; _epoll_wait returns a vector of pairs, so convert to a list of pairs
(let ((li (vector->list vec)))
(fd-event-list-handler li)))
(define (ev-main-loop listener)
(let ((sfd (tcp-listener-fileno listener)))
(##epoll#epoll_ctl epfd _EPOLL_CTL_ADD sfd _READ)
(let loop ()
(##epoll#epoll_wait epfd 200)
(ev-main-loop listener)
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