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Last active July 8, 2017 23:21
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// Conditionals
if (myVar == 'Hello') {
// if (myVar === 'Hello') {
// return true;
// }
// Only strict equality allowed for simplicity. Conditional expression returns by default the last expression.
// Single line conditionals
if (myVar == 'Hello') true
// Same as above,
// Negated conditional
unless (myVar == 'Hello') {
// if (myVar !== 'Hello') {
// return 'World';
// }
// Conditional expression ordering can be reversed.
} unless (myVar == 'Hello')
// Conditional expressions return a value and can be assigned
say = unless (myVar == 'Hello') 'Hi!'
// const say = (myVar !== 'Hello') ? Some('Hi!') : None;
// Single line reversed conditionals
say = 'World' unless (myVar == 'Hello')
// const say = (myVar !== 'Hello') ? Some('World') : None;
// Conditionals with ambiguous returns auto-magically return an Option-al Monad
say = 'Hello' unless (language == 'Welsh')
// const say = (language !== 'Welsh') ? Some('Hello') : None;
// Inline else will return more Option-al values
say = 'Helo' if (language == 'Welsh') else 'Hello'
// const say = (language === 'Welsh') ? Some('Helo') : Some('Hello');
myNumber = 10
enum Color {
green, red, blue, yellow
getGreen (color: Color): Optional(Color) {
match color { {
console.log('The color is green')
}, {
console.log('The color is not green but red or blue')
color.yellow unless (myNumber == 10) {
console.log('The color is yellow and myNumber is 10')
_ {
console.log('No match, _ is now an Optional.None')
// Pattern matches allow matching types or values and the expressions return the match,
// single line expressions run the expression and return the match wrapped in a an Optional.
// We denote a single line expression with the -> operator as with functions.
x = 2
myMatch = match x {
1 || 2 -> console.log("one or two? x was equal to " ++ x)
3 -> console.log("x was three")
_ -> console.log("anything")
// Should evaluate to:
const x = 2;
let _myMatch;
switch (x) {
case (1 || 2): {
console.log("one or two? x was equal to " + x);
_myMatch = Optional(x);
case 3: {
console.log("x was three")
_myMatch = Optional(x);
default: {
_myMatch = Optional.None;
const myMatch = Object.freeze(_myMatch);
// We can also provide an expression with the parethensies, to allow longer expressions, these also return an Optional type.
myMatch = match x {
1 || 2 {
console.log("one or two? x was equal to " ++ x)
3 {
console.log("x was three")
_ {
// As we see we can create simple 1 line function closures, we also could pipe
negate (func)(x) -> !func(x)
// Instead we could use a UNIX pipe operator
x | !func
// Or
!(x | func)
// This is useful when composing many small functions, given the following:
myNumber = Math.round(Math.sqrt(Math.PI))
// could be written:
myNumber = Math.PI | Math.sqrt | Math.round
// Functions
// Longhand declaration
negate (func, x) {
negate (func) {
(x) {
// Shorthand declaration
negate (func)(x) {
// Shorter-hand declaration where single line methods are possible
negate (func)(x) -> !func(x)
apply(func, array) {
map(array, (element) {
apply(func, array) -> map(array, (element) -> func(element))
// Execution
is_not_nan = negate(is_nan)('not a number')
apply(Math.round, [0.01, 2, 9.89, Math.PI])
stringConstant: String = 'a type safe constant'
numberConstant: Number = 10
functionConstant: Function = (){}
functionArgAndReturnTypes (arg1: String, arg2: Number): Array[_] {
[arg1, arg2]
// Constants declaration
myVar = 'a constant variable'
// const myVar = 'a constant variable'; but also typed to a String by default.
myOtherVar = 34
// const myOtherVar = 34; but typed to a Number this time.
| leftExp == rightExp | leftExp === rightExp
| leftExp != rightExp | leftExp !== rightExp
| leftExp >= rightExp | Same
| leftExp <= rightExp | Same
| leftExp || rightExp |
| leftExp -> rightExp | const leftExp = function () { return rightExp; }
| leftExp | rightExp | rightExp(leftExp)
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