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Created April 20, 2013 14:53
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Model file for solving a basic RBC model using Dynare++
/////////////// Basic RBC model ///////////////
////////// Declare variables //////////
///// Endogenous variables /////
/* List of variables:
k: capital
c: consumption
z: productivity
y: output
i: investment
w: real wage
r: net interest rate
check1: zero profit condition
var k, c, z, y, i, w, r; //check1;
///// Exogenous variables /////
// eps: productivity shock
varexo eps;
////////// Declare parameters //////////
parameters beta, theta, alpha, delta, rho, sigma;
// discount factor
beta = 0.9896;
// coefficient of relative risk aversion
theta = 2.0;
// capital's share of income
alpha = 0.40;
// depreciation rate of capital
delta = 0.0196;
// persistence of productivity process
rho = 0.95;
// standard deviation of productivity shocks
sigma = 0.007;
////////// Model equations //////////
// production
y = exp(z) * k(-1)^alpha;
// real wage
w = (1 - alpha) * y;
// net marginal product of capital
r = alpha * exp(z) * k(-1)^(alpha - 1) - delta;
// resource constraint
y = c + i;
// consumption Euler equation
c^(-theta) = beta * c(+1)^(-theta) * (1 + r(+1));
// equation of motion for capital
k = (1 - delta) * k(-1) + i;
// productivity process
z = rho * z(-1) + eps;
// check zero profit condition holds
//check1 = y - w - (r + delta) * k(-1);
////////// Initial values for computing steady state //////////
k = (alpha * beta / (1 - beta * (1 - delta)))^(1 / (1 - alpha));
c = 1 - alpha * beta * delta / (1 - beta * (1 - delta));
z = 0.0;
y = (alpha * beta / (1 - beta * (1 - delta)))^(alpha / (1 - alpha));
i = (alpha * beta / (1 - beta * (1 - delta)))^(alpha / (1 - alpha)) +
(alpha * beta * delta / (1 - beta * (1 - delta))) - 1;
w = (1 - alpha) * (alpha * beta / (1 - beta * (1 - delta)))^(alpha / (1 - alpha));
r = alpha * (alpha * beta / (1 - beta * (1 - delta)))^alpha - delta;
//check1 = 0.0;
////////// Variance covariance matrix //////////
vcov = [0.007];
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