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Last active February 4, 2025 14:58
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  1. Insert the unifying receiver.
  2. Download and Install the latest Unifying Receiver software. (version 250, firmware 024.010.00036 at time of writing)
  3. Download and Install the latest SetPoint software. (version 6.69.126, firmware 041.001.00038 at time of writing)
  4. Sync the T650 to your unifying receiver.
  5. Open SetPoint and make any changes to the SetPoint configuration for your T650.
    • You may need to restart the T650 and SetPoint for initial detection.
  6. Exit/close the SetPoint software (make sure it is fully closed and not in the tasktray)
  7. Open the Properties for C:\Program Files\Logitech\SetPointP\SetPoint.exe
  8. Start the SetPoint.exe
  9. Download and Run the latest Firmware Update Tool utility.
  10. Open Logitech Unifying Software, select Advanced, find the T650 and verify the firmware is up to date.
  11. Enjoy the T650 on Windows 10. While this does not let you customize gestures, it at least gets the advertised features working again.
  12. If you want to customize the T650 for your custom workflow, please check out this article with additional information!
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
;#SingleInstance force
; Logitech T650 mappings for Windows 10.
; Requires SetPoint to be installed AND running.
; Comment out any conflicting hotkeys that you actually use.
; Fortunately, Logitech sends *numpad arrow keys* rather than normal arrow keys
; which aren't commonly used commonly, so we can easily override most of them without
; too much conflict with normal keyboard usage.
; Three finger swipe left ---> Virtual Desktop Switch Left
Send #^{Right}
; Three finger swipe right ---> Virtual Desktop Switch Right
Send #^{Left}
; Four finger swipe left ---> Virtual Desktop Switch Left
; Send {LWin down}{LCtrl down}{Left}{LWin up}{LCtrl up}
; Return
; Four finger swipe right ---> Virtual Desktop Switch Right
; Send {LWin down}{LCtrl down}{Right}{LWin up}{LCtrl up}
; Return
; Four finger swipe up ---> Task View
; (only works when active window is NOT minimised)
Send {LWin down}{Tab down}{LWin up}{Tab up}
; Uncomment if you want to override Win + D
; Thee finger swipe down --> Task View
; (I can't seem to catch four finger down)
; Send {LWin down}{Tab down}{LWin up}{Tab up}
; Return
; One finger from right edge in
; Notification Centre
Send {LWin down}{a}{LWin up}

Windows 10 gestures on the Logitech Touchpad T650 with AutoHotKey


If you are one of the few people with the Logitech Wireless Rechargable Touchpad T650, and on Windows 10, you’ve probably been wanting some Windows 10 gestures like I have – particularly Virtual Desktop switching.

Logitech’s SetPoint software is unfortunately closed-source and not very customisable. This particular device has no method of hand editing the xml files to redefine the special touch gestures. Lame.

I have posted this feature suggestion to Logitech (a “Precision Touchpad” driver would be seriously amazing), but in the meantime, here’s my own solution, which piggy backs on SetPoint’s hotkey send events:

;#SingleInstance force

;		Logitech T650 mappings for Windows 10.
; Requires SetPoint to be installed AND running.
; Comment out any conflicting hotkeys that you actually use.
; Fortunately, Logitech sends *numpad arrow keys* rather than normal arrow keys
; which aren't commonly used commonly, so we can easily override most of them without
; too much conflict with normal keyboard usage.

; Four finger swipe left ---> Virtual Desktop Switch Left
	Send {LWin down}{LCtrl down}{Left}{LWin up}{LCtrl up}

; Four finger swipe right ---> Virtual Desktop Switch Right
	Send {LWin down}{LCtrl down}{Right}{LWin up}{LCtrl up}

; Four finger swipe up ---> Task View
; (only works when active window is NOT minimised)
	Send {LWin down}{Tab down}{LWin up}{Tab up}

; Uncomment if you want to override Win + D
; Thee finger swipe down --> Task View	
; (I can't seem to catch four finger down)
;	Send {LWin down}{Tab down}{LWin up}{Tab up}
;	Return

; One finger from right edge in
; Notification Centre
	Send {LWin down}{a}{LWin up}
	Return (Bonus: My other personal ahk hotkeys if you’re interested: thinkpad.ahk.)

Install instructions:

The above code is a AutoHotKey script. Download and save the script to your computer. For example, I keep my all my miscellaneous scripts/utilities in a folder called C:\Opt.

To run the script, download and install AutoHotKey.


Double-click the script to run it! Try out the four finger swipe gestures… it should switch between Virtual Desktops (unless there is only 1).

If all works well, you want to get the script to autostart on login. Simply place a shortcut to the script file in your Startup folder. (Alternatively create a logon task in Task Scheduler, although I find that it sometimes gets killed after sleep?)

SetPoint configuration screenshot:


I unchecked Switch applications as it doesn’t seem to work on Windows 10


It’s definitely a nice touchpad, but I only have it because someone thought I’d be fun to buy a $20 giant touchpad. Maybe now I’ll find some use for it after all, at least for some handy gestures.

Sigh, if only the precision touchpad driver standard was the default.


Previously I wrote that you needed to apply Windows 8 comparability mode to SetPoint. I don’t think this is true anymore as after a fresh Windows installation my script works just fine without any compatibility mode set.

However, the SetPoint UI does incorrectly show the videos/checkboxes for the Windows 7 gestures profile for the T650 touchpad on Windows 10. You can compare the creation of the file C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Logitech\SetPoint\user.xml between setting the Windows 7 and Windows 8 compatibility modes, if you’re interested – delete the file between tries. This file probably is maybe only generated, never actually read.

I’ve also begun to notice some unusual behaviour, likely after new update – perhaps the Creator’s Update? If you open Device Manager, you may notice the device tree view flashing every now and then as Windows seems to repeatedly fire a device scan. This only happens when the T650 is connected. I noticed this behaviour when trying to select a disk in Rufus, as the device list kept refreshing before I could select any of the options (i.e. the checkboxes kept clearing by themselves every couple of seconds!) Switching off the T650 remedies this.

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