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Created April 28, 2023 12:59
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Decode or Encode XML where you are working with < or > sort of thing
Public Function DecodeXml(TextToDecode As String) As String
'Take text that has been encoded for XML and change it to normal text
Dim Res As String
Res = Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(TextToDecode, "&quot;", """"), "&gt;", ">"), "&lt;", "<"), "&amp;", "&")
DecodeXml = Res
End Function
Public Function EncodeXml(TextToEncode As String) As String
'Take text and change special chars so that it can be included in an XML file
Dim Res As String
Res = Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(TextToEncode, "&", "&amp;"), ">", "&gt;"), "<", "&lt;"), """", "&quot;")
EncodeXml = Res
End Function
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