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Last active November 26, 2015 04:51
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maze helper for pymdptoolbox
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__author__ = "David Shinn"
__license__ = "MIT"
from collections import defaultdict
import itertools
import os
import pdb
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
class Maze(object):
def __init__(self, filename, move_probs=None, terminal_positions=None):
self.df = pd.read_csv(filename, sep='\s+',
header=None, dtype=unicode)
self.n_rows, self.n_cols = self.df.shape
self.move_probs = move_probs
if self.move_probs is None:
self.move_probs = {'f': 0.6, 'fl': 0.1, 'fr': 0.1,
'l': 0.1, 'r': 0.1}
assert sum(self.move_probs.values()) == 1
self._actions_list = ['n', 'ne', 'e', 'se', 's', 'sw', 'w', 'nw'] # left to right list of directions
self._move_delta = {
'e': (0, 1),
'ne': (-1, 1),
'n': (-1, 0),
'nw': (-1, -1),
'w': (0, -1),
'sw': (1, -1),
's': (1, 0),
'se': (1, 1),
self.map_to_symbols = {u'e': u'→', u'ne': u'↗', u'n': u'↑',
u'nw': u'↖', u'w': u'←', u'sw': u'↙',
u's': u'↓', u'se': u'↘'}
self.terminal_positions = terminal_positions
if self.terminal_positions is None:
self.terminal_positions = []
# Poor mans queue to assist relative movement alignment with compass directions
self._ordered_directions = self._actions_list[:]
self._movements_list = ['l', 'fl', 'f', 'fr', 'r']
self._len_movements = len(self._movements_list)
self._n_actions = len(self._actions_list)
self.mapping = create_pos_to_state_map(self.df)
self.n_states = len(filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, int), self.mapping.keys()))
self.reward_matrix = create_reward_matrix(
df=self.df, mapping=self.mapping, n_states=self.n_states,
self.direction_probs = {}
for action in self._actions_list:
self.direction_probs[action] = self.get_direction_probs(action)
self.transition_matrix = self.create_transition_matrix()
def __repr__(self):
return repr(self.df)
def get_direction_probs(self, action):
"""Return dictionary of action: probability based upon action
being the forward (f) movement direction and move_probs.
Does this using a poorman's queue"""
pos = self._ordered_directions.index(action, self._len_movements) # find index somewhere in middle
direction_probs = {}
for movement, direction in zip(self._movements_list, self._ordered_directions[(pos - 2):(pos - 2 + self._len_movements)]):
direction_probs[direction] = self.move_probs[movement]
return direction_probs
def get_transition_probs_for_single_state(self, row, col):
"""Return dict of action keys, dictionary of (row, col) probabilities"""
assert self.mapping.get((row, col), None) is not None
transition_probs = defaultdict(lambda : defaultdict(float))
for action_intended, direction_probs in self.direction_probs.iteritems():
for action_actual, action_prob in direction_probs.iteritems():
d_row, d_col = self._move_delta[action_actual]
new_row = row + d_row
new_col = col + d_col
if self.mapping.get((new_row, new_col), None) is not None:
transition_probs[action_intended][(new_row, new_col)] += action_prob
transition_probs[action_intended][(row, col)] += action_prob
for pos in transition_probs[action_intended]:
transition_probs[action_intended][pos] = round(transition_probs[action_intended][pos], 5)
return transition_probs
def create_transition_matrix(self):
transition_matrix = np.zeros((self._n_actions, self.n_states, self.n_states))
for row, col in filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, tuple), self.mapping.keys()):
originating_state_index = self.mapping[(row, col)]
if originating_state_index is None:
transition_probs = self.get_transition_probs_for_single_state(row, col)
for action_label, state_probs in transition_probs.iteritems():
action_index = self.get_action_index(action_label)
# If terminal put 1 where S = S'
if (row, col) in self.terminal_positions:
transition_matrix[action_index, originating_state_index, originating_state_index] = 1
for (new_row, new_col), prob in state_probs.iteritems():
new_state_index = self.mapping[(new_row, new_col)]
if new_state_index is None:
new_state_index] = prob
return transition_matrix
def get_action_index(self, action_label):
return self._actions_list.index(action_label)
def get_action_label(self, action_index):
return self._actions_list[action_index]
def create_df_from_values(self, values):
"""Return pandas dataframe with values in maze positions and + in wall positions"""
assert len(values) == self.n_states
df = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((self.n_rows, self.n_cols))).replace(0, u'+')
for state_index, value in enumerate(values):
row, col = self.mapping[state_index]
df.iloc[row, col] = value
return df
def create_policy_visual_from_values(self, policy_values):
"""Return pandas dataframe with arrows for policies"""
df = self.create_df_from_values(policy_values)
for action_index, action_label in enumerate(self._actions_list):
df.replace(action_index, self.map_to_symbols[action_label], inplace=True)
for row, col in self.terminal_positions:
#df.iloc[row, col] = u'⚑'
df.iloc[row, col] = u'⨂'
df.replace(u'+', u'█', inplace=True)
return df
def create_pos_to_state_map(df):
"""Return dict of maps from state indices (int) to maze
positions (tuple) and vice versa. Wall positions are mapped to
None and None's value is a list of all wall position tuples.
Need to do this so that there are no states representing the
wall positions and wasting the MDP algorithms."""
mapping = {None: []}
state_index = 0
for row, col in itertools.product(range(df.shape[0]), range(df.shape[1])):
if df.iloc[row, col] == '+':
mapping[None].append((row, col))
mapping[(row, col)] = None
mapping[state_index] = (row, col)
mapping[(row, col)] = state_index
state_index += 1
return mapping
def create_reward_matrix(df, mapping, n_states, n_actions):
"""Returns an A x S x S' matrix, where each S x S' matrix is identical, where
S == S' is left to zero and only rewards are provided by transition from neighboring
state_matrix = np.zeros((n_states, n_states))
for state_index in range(n_states):
row, col = mapping[state_index]
reward = df.iloc[row, col]
# Iterate through possible neighboring positions
for d_row, d_col in itertools.product([-1, 0, 1], [-1, 0, 1]):
# Skip no offset
if d_row == 0 and d_col == 0:
originating_row = row + d_row
originating_col = col + d_col
# Only populate if neighbor is valid position
key = (originating_row, originating_col)
if key in mapping and mapping[key] is not None:
originating_state_index = mapping[(originating_row, originating_col)]
state_matrix[originating_state_index, state_index] = reward
reward_matrix = np.zeros((n_actions, n_states, n_states))
for n_action in range(n_actions):
reward_matrix[n_action, :, :] = state_matrix.copy()
return reward_matrix
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+ + + + + +
0 0 0 0 + 0
+ 0 + + + 0
+ 0 + 0 0 0
+ 0 + 0 + +
+ 0 0 0 + 0
+ 0 + + + 0
+ 0 0 0 0 200
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ajwije commented Nov 21, 2015

This is really great David!
Thanks for sharing this.

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