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Created April 28, 2024 12:18
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Calculate new languages for new MMTEB task
from mteb.tasks.BitextMining import *
new_task = "BibleNLPBitextMining"
### Gather existing BitextMining tasks
ignore = ["AbsTaskBitextMining", "Any", "CrosslingualTask", "TaskMetadata", "TEST_SAMPLES"]
existing_tasks = [
task for task in dir() if task[0].isupper() and task not in ignore
### Find all languages currently in BitextMining
existing_languages = []
for task in existing_tasks:
existing_languages = set(existing_languages)
### Find new languages introduced by "BibleNLPBitextMining"
new_languages = []
new_task_languages = globals()[new_task]().languages
for lang in sorted(new_task_languages):
if not lang in existing_languages:
### Report results
for idx, lang in enumerate(new_languages):
print(f"New language {idx+1}: {lang}")
print(f"Total new languages: {len(new_languages)}")
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