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Created March 12, 2022 18:31
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Nginx Django Conf
if (s.forceSsl) {
server {
listen 80;
server_name <%-s.publicDomain%>;
# Used by Lets Encrypt
location /.well-known/acme-challenge/ {
root <%-s.staticWebRoot%>;
# Used by CapRover for health check
location /.well-known/captain-identifier {
root <%-s.staticWebRoot%>;
location / {
return 302 https://$http_host$request_uri;
server {
if (!s.forceSsl) {
listen 80;
if (s.hasSsl) {
listen 443 ssl http2;
ssl_certificate <%-s.crtPath%>;
ssl_certificate_key <%-s.keyPath%>;
client_max_body_size 500m;
server_name <%-s.publicDomain%>;
# is DNS set up by Docker, see:
resolver valid=10s;
# IMPORTANT!! If you are here from an old thread to set a custom port, you do not need to modify this port manually here!!
# Simply change the Container HTTP Port from the dashboard HTTP panel
set $upstream http://<%-s.localDomain%>:<%-s.containerHttpPort%>;
location / {
if (s.httpBasicAuthPath) {
auth_basic "Restricted Access";
auth_basic_user_file <%-s.httpBasicAuthPath%>;
proxy_pass $upstream;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
if (s.websocketSupport) {
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
proxy_http_version 1.1;
# Used by Lets Encrypt
location /.well-known/acme-challenge/ {
root <%-s.staticWebRoot%>;
# Used by CapRover for health check
location /.well-known/captain-identifier {
root <%-s.staticWebRoot%>;
error_page 502 /captain_502_custom_error_page.html;
location = /captain_502_custom_error_page.html {
root <%-s.customErrorPagesDirectory%>;
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